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"You're late." the omega said with a frown, eyes on the officer standing a few feet away from them.

"I'm so sorry!" San knelt in front of the omega. "I tried my best to make it. You know I couldn't afford to miss today's interview. I promised to be here with you during labor, and I truly apologize for not keeping that promise. But good news, I got accepted! We can finally have a comfortable life." His words carried a hint of regret, his gaze tenderly shifting to the sleeping angel in the omega's arms. "Such a beautiful pup, what are we going to name him?"

There was a fleeting moment before the omega realized he had been engrossed in studying the alpha's features, causing a delay in responding to the last question.

His lips parted in contemplation, and then he shrugged. Naming had never crossed his mind before; he hadn't anticipated the pup's survival, honestly.
Surprisingly, the little one turned out to be a fighter, but truthfully, the omega had never wanted a pup until that moment he held the tiny being in his arms, then, all reluctance vanished.

"What's your name?" came the unwavering voice of the officer cutting their moment short as he crossed his arms.

being in a close proximity to the omega, San detected a subtle shift in the omega's pheromones, sensing traces of anxiety arising from him. Recognizing the omega's unease, he instinctively placed a reassuring hand on the omega's knee, crouching in front of him in a bid to offer comfort.
The touch, a silent gesture of support, aimed to ease the omega's nerves in the midst of the unexpected question.

"Yeosang." he calmly spoke. "Kang Yeosang."

with a short nod, the officer crossed his arms leaning against the wall, eyes dangerously inspecting the omega in a hospital gown.

"Yet I don't see any mating mark." Officer Kim removed his glasses, his challenging gaze fixed as he raised a pointed eyebrow. "And you're expecting a pup?"

Sensing the omega's unease once more, San took charge of the conversation. "Honestly, the pup was unexpected," he chuckled nervously. "I had been postponing the marking until, um... until we get married."

Officer Kim nodded thoughtfully. "So, you both reside together."

"Yes," San replied swiftly, deliberately ignoring the omega's piercing stare. "It's about time I take him home with me."

An unspoken exchange passed between San and the omega, their eyes communicating about San's last statement. The omega appeared hesitant, but San silently urged him to go along with the situation, if only for the moment.

After a brief pause, Yeosang nodded, a hint of a mischievous smile forming on his lips.

"You're not planning on leaving without settling the bills and completing the registration process, are you, sweetheart?"

San found himself in disbelief at the revelation. It explained the omega's subdued reaction and silence, everything suddenly made sense.

Caught between the potential disappointment of his parents and the unforeseen responsibility thrust upon him for something beyond his control, San grappled with an internal conflict. Yet, in the depths of the omega's eyes, he glimpsed a profound sense of helplessness.

It felt like an unspoken agreement, a mutual understanding forged in that moment, an arrangement, a debt to be settled, or any label they might attach to it later. There would be discussions, negotiations, and clarifications down the line, but for now, San needed an exit strategy from this unforeseen situation.

"Of course not," San finally concluded, feigning a smile. "what are we naming the pup again?"

Yeosang's smile faltered slightly, seemingly taken aback by the alpha's agreement. His lips pressed into a thin line, betraying his surprise.
"didn't you say you'll choose the name if it's a boy?"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚 | 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒈 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora