~The End~

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I wrote our last chapter, I forced it to end.

My once steady hand shook as I held the pen.

The ink on the paper was lethal,

I added to the fire more diesel,

I felt relief in an instant.

But the pain on your face made me feel resistant,

Made me want to take back every word that I wrote,

For every letter on the page was a knife to your throat.

I didn't mean to hurt you I tried to avoid it,

But now I can't tell if the end result was worth it.

So when I finished our story with a gut wrenching ending.

I didn't account that the guilt was never bending.


don't compromise your values and feelings for someone else, if it hurts them that just is how it is, you can't remain unhappy for someone else's sake.

which is a really, really hard lesson to learn

we stand with Palestine

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