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I've been told I look like a bitch when I'm silent.

Standing there all shady and quiet.

They feel that I judge them and that part is true, but not in the way that they think I do.

Yes I judge them, I know what they're thinking, but I'm just standing there wondering how someone so pretty could be so cruel.

How could they stand there and bitch about boys while simultaneously treating them like toys.

Or how they bully each other in their matching Lululemon leggings, they're all carbon copies of one blonde bitch saying "oh totally, I could never imagine"

Trust me you could, but the image would be shattering the infinite confidence they possess.

The clumpy mascara clouds their blue eyes and the amount of fake highlights fries their blonde.

The clothes they wear and the comments they make will never cover up the insecurity that overtakes their being as they shoot glares at me.

If they were confident in themselves who cares what I think,

They do.

My face intimidates them, even if I'm not even judging them.

This is based off of these mean girls in high school, they were god awful. They would scream and blast Tiktoks in the middle of tests, and this one that sat behind me ripped up paper and stuck it in my hair bc I asked her if she would stop blasting Tiktoks during a test.

I ended up cursing her out in front of the entire class, the teacher told me she deserved it.

moral of the story- don't be a bitch. Otherwise you're gonna have an angsty writer tear you to shreds :)

we stand with Palestine

(She doesn't she still supports starbucks and trump)

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