Bringing fresh clothes, he helped Jungkook wear them and made him lie down. After giving him the meds, he began to press cold cloth on his forehead to manage his temperature. Due to the medicine, he fell asleep watching the beauty before him. Tae too fell asleep holding his hand.

When the sun light hit their eyes, Tae opened his eyes and saw Jungkook was already up gazing at Tae like he was the moon in the sky.

"Good morning," Tae smiled and moved closer to him.

"Best morning," Jungkook grinned kissing Tae's mole on the nose.

Tae began caressing Jungkook's cheek with the back of his hand, "I missed you so much you know. Why did you distance yourself from me? We could have spoken about it."

Jungkook nodded his head, "Sorry. I thought I made you uncomfortable."

"Maybe its for the best," Tae nuzzled Jungkook's nose, "If you hadn't distanced yourself then I would have never understood how much I need you. But I am too confused about my feelings for you Kookie. They just came all pouring the moment you left – what – what?"

Jungkook bit his lip, "You called me Kookie. Only my dumb, annoying sister calls me that. But hearing it from you – is bliss."

"And babe," Jungkook added, "Its okay. Let's not try to figure out everything at once. I promise we will not rush into anything. Even sex. We will take it slow. Extremely slow."

Tae ignored the comment and asked seriously, "How's your fever? Are you feeling better?"

Jungkook felt a stab in the heart. Tae still didn't want to talk about sex. Why was Jungkook so horny?

"Yes," he managed to smile as Tae put his leg on Jungkook's ass.

"Great," he kissed Jungkook's lips again, "Because Mr. Jeon I don't want to go slow with sex. I want you to wreck me. I want us to break this bed. All the things you imagined while you touched yourself thinking about me. Do it!"

Jungkook had tears of joy in his eyes. He was a little weak but still managed to grab Tae's hair and kiss his neck.

"Yoooooongiii," they heard the familiar annoying noise.

Tae laughed as Jungkook left him, "It must be 11 am. They are awake."

They both knew they wouldn't get to have sex so early with Jay and Yoongi in the house.

"Afternoon," Tae kissed Jungkook's cheek, "They sleep in the afternoon on Saturdays. We can – do it in the afternoon."

Tae blushed so hard he was all crimson red.

Jungkook only nodded and asked Tae to go out first because he was – embarrassed and hard. Just by Tae's words.

At first, Tae got out of the room followed by Jungkook after a minute.

"Oh my god!" the dramatic sister came flying and hugged Jungkook.

"Kookie, when did you get back?" she yelled hugging him tight as Tae giggled helping Yoongi in the kitchen.

"Um, in the morning," he answered picking Jay and putting her on the sofa.

"Relax, he's not back from the war," Yoongi commented frying eggs.

"But he ignored my calls and everything," she went on complaining and joined Yoongi.

Both were so busy with cooking and talking they hardly noticed that the horny couple were staring at each other with bedroom eyes.

They all ate sitting in front of the TV watching music videos. Yoongi was so engrossed in food and Jay on that shirtless man in the TV that they again ignored the couple holding hands while eating.

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