Daehan's heart sank as he lowered his gaze, his stomach churning with apprehension. The moment he had dreaded had finally arrived. What would happen now? Would the prince discover his true gender?

As Youngjae set his cup aside, his voice softened slightly, though the weight of his words hung heavily in the air. "However, I have no interest in that either... So, you can go to your chambers." With that, he lay down on the bed, closing his eyes as if to signal an end to the conversation.

Relief flooded through Daehan at the unexpected turn of events. He bowed silently, exiting the crown prince's chambers, and began his journey towards the east wing in search of his own quarters.

After a while, he finally arrived at his chambers. As he glanced at the sign 'Pavilion of Elegance' and entered the chambers. The room was adorned with exquisite flowers, flickering candles, and opulent furnishings. The bed beckoned with its inviting cosiness, draped in luxurious velvet covers and framed by billowing silk curtains. Near the mirror, a display of ornate jewels from his in-laws shimmered alongside delicate makeup. Adjacent to them stood a towering wardrobe, its doors revealing a treasure trove of sumptuous robes, all tailored for a woman's form.

Daehan's heart sank as he surveyed the lavish surroundings, the weight of his predicament settling heavily upon him. "I will have to live as a woman... I cannot risk anyone discovering my true identity," he thought to himself.

Daehan gingerly settled onto the bed, hoping to find solace in sleep. Yet, anxiety and fear gnawed at him relentlessly, rendering him incapable of finding any respite throughout the long night. Each creak of the bedstead seemed to echo his apprehensions, a constant reminder of the perilous situation he now found himself in. The shadow of dread loomed large, his mind haunted by the ominous tales of Youngjae's previous brides and the fate they had met.

As dawn approached, a fitful slumber finally overcame him, only to be abruptly shattered by the faint sounds emanating from outside. Intrigued and wary, Daehan tiptoed towards the window, his heart pounding with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, 

"YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THIS SIMPLE TASK? ARE YOU A JESTER?!" Daehan witnessed Youngjae's furious outburst directed at a trembling man, sending waves of fear rippling through the gathered guards, servants, and maids.

"Y-Your H-Highness...I-I t-tried m-my b-best..." the man stammered in a feeble attempt to defend himself.

Youngjae seized the man's collar, his eyes ablaze with anger as he bore down on him. "Tried your best?!" he spat out with disdain, the intensity of his glare enough to send shivers down the man's spine. "What a joke! You've been feeding me that excuse every time. DO I LOOK LIKE A FOOL TO YOU?! YOU ARE MY SPY....YOU SHOULD HAVE UNCOVERED THE CULPRITS' IDENTITIES IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE FIRST TRAGEDY STRUCK!"

"Y-Your H-H-Highness....I-I...." The man's voice faltered, drowned out by the weight of Youngjae's wrath, his own fear palpable in the air.

Youngjae's gaze bore into the traitorous spy with unbridled fury. "You are one of them... you're a traitor as well," he accused, his voice dripping with contempt. Without hesitation, he drew his sword and thrust it into the spy's stomach, crimson blood spattering across Youngjae's face and garments.

The spy crumpled to the ground, lifeless, a pool of blood spreading beneath his motionless form. In the heavy silence that followed, broken only by the soft patter of blood droplets, Youngjae's cold command sliced through the air. "Arrange his funeral," he ordered, his voice devoid of remorse as he turned away from the grisly scene.

Yet, as he moved to depart, his eyes met Daehan's horrified gaze near the window. Frozen in terror, Daehan quivered uncontrollably, his wide eyes locked with Youngjae's, now streaked with the crimson evidence of his ruthless actions. 

Silent Vows (Boylove)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant