Chapter 1

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❗️TW: Violence❗️


Daehan fought back tears, his heart hammering in his chest at the mere thought of facing the infamous cruelty of the prince. Fear gnawed at his insides, twisting and churning as he imagined the consequences of his real gender and his mute condition being uncovered. Every fibre of his being quivered with trepidation as he awaited the inevitable arrival of his betrothed.

When the prince finally entered, Daehan's breath caught in his throat and instinctively lowered himself into a respectful bow.

The prince approached with an air of nonchalance, his presence casting a shadow of apprehension over the already tense atmosphere. As he settled beside Daehan, the prince's words cut through the silence like a blade, "I made it clear to father that I had no interest in extravagant weddings," the prince remarked, his voice tinged with an air of impatience. "I detest wasting time on frivolities. I hope you don't take offence."

With practised ease, he poured the nuptial drink into the awaiting cups, offering one to Daehan with a gesture that bordered on indifference. Daehan accepted the cup with hands that trembled uncontrollably, his heart pounding furiously in his chest as he struggled to maintain his composure. With a hesitant nod, he conveyed that he didn't take any offence, though beneath the facade of compliance lay a tempest of fear and uncertainty.

The prince drank from his cup while his piercing gaze bore into Daehan's trembling form as he spoke, his words laced with impatience and frustration. "Are you mute or something? Can't you speak?" he demanded, his tone cutting through the tense silence like a blade. "I haven't heard a single word from you since your arrival. You didn't even speak at the royal court... Do you not realize how disrespectful that is?" With a swift motion, Youngjae snatched the cup from Daehan's grasp, his frustration evident as he confronted the silent figure before him.

"And why on earth are you not drinking this?" he continued, his voice edged with exasperation. Without waiting for a response, he seized Daehan's jaw, forcing his mouth open before pouring the liquid down his throat with a forceful gesture.

As Daehan coughed from the forceful drink, panic and fear reflected in his eyes. He desperately gestured towards his mouth, trying to convey his mute condition to the perplexed Crown Prince Lee Youngjae. The realization slowly dawned on Youngjae as he observed Daehan's silent struggle.

"You're mute?" Youngjae asked, a mix of surprise and annoyance in his tone. Daehan nodded fervently, attempting to communicate without words.

Youngjae's expression shifted from irritation to mild amusement. "Well, this is unexpected. A mute consort. I suppose that could have its advantages."

Daehan's eyes widened, uncertain about what Youngjae meant by 'advantages'. The prince, undeterred by Daehan's discomfort, continued to observe him with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Fine, you don't need to speak," Youngjae said, pouring himself another drink. "Just nod or shake your head. Simple enough, right?"

Daehan nodded cautiously, relief washing over him that the prince seemed willing to adapt to his mute condition. However, the unease lingered, as Youngjae's unpredictable nature kept him on edge.

The prince sipped his drink and studied Daehan with those captivating purple eyes. "Let's make a deal, Consort Joo. You stay out of my way, and I won't bother you. I have no interest in wasting time on a wedding charade."

Daehan nodded in agreement, looking at the prince with fear.

Youngjae leaned back on the bed, his expression unreadable as he spoke, "This is our wedding night, and the expectation is that we consummate this marriage." His eyes bore into Daehan's, searching for any hint of reaction.

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