Chapter 12

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Willow's P.O.V
My hair was still wet from the lake so I jumped in the shower. When I get out i wrapped the towel around my body and walked out. It was early so I thought no one was up. I was wrong. Two-Bit was on the couch, Steve was sitting next to home eating cake, Darry was in the kitchen and Soda was right beside the door.
"Finally, Girls take forever in there." He ran in the bathroom and turned on the water.
I quickly covered up noticing everyone.
"Ha, Nicee." Steve muttered loudly.
I ran in to my room and got changed. I put on my jean shorts, They used to be Pony's jeans but he grew out of them so I cut them up. We ain't got too much money to spend. I pulled my white t shirt over and called it an outfit.

Nat's P.O.V
I pulled up to the DX in my little car.
"Hey Sodapop." I flirted.
"Well, Hello babe." He flirted back.
We laughed and talked. He was leaning against the gas pump. His eyes were so unique. He ran his tongue over his teeth and winked at me. I melted inside.
"Hey, when do you get off?"
"Around 5 I think."
"Want to come to my place? My parents are out of town with most of my siblings."
"So we will be alone?"
"I can make that happen."
He grinned and kissed my forehead.
"See you there."
I drove home with my smile never leaving my face.

Grace's P.O.V

I sat in the Curtis' kitchen talking with Darry about life and random stuff. Ponyboy walked in all awkward.
"Hey, Grace. Can I talk to you?"
Darry stood up and left.
"So no one, will be here tonight. Would you like to go on a date?"
"I'd love too!"
He leaned forward to kiss my forehead. Two- Bit leaning in and mashed cake in to his face.
"Hahaha, got ya, Lover boy!" Pony chases after him and they wrestled it out.

Willow's P.O.V

I walked towards the DX with B, Two-Bit and Grace. Two-Bit was drinking a beer an had his arm around B.
"Hey, you two! You could just make out with each other at the house and it would be less obvious!" Grace chimed in. Two cocked his eyebrow.
"Whatever" he said.
When we got to the DX, Grace grabbed some cokes and I went to talk to Soda.
"How's my favourite sister?"
"Correction, your only sister." I said with a little sass. He picked me up and twirled me around.
"No, my favourite sister."
"Okay, okay! I was wondering if you were going out with Nat tonight?"
"Yeah." he sighed dreamily.
Steve was eyeing me from outside. When everyone looked busy enough, I walked out to him.
"Pass me the wrench?"
I grabbed it and placed it in his hand.
"What are you doing tonight?" I asked.
"I got to work late."
I sighed.
"But I can pick you up at 8, if you want."
"Nah, I'll stop by while you work." I winked and walked away.

Later that night

Nat's P.O.V
I put on my cute clothes and did my hair all nice.
*ding dong*
"Hey, babe." Sodapop's smooth voice entered my home.
"Well, hello!"
"You look amazing by the way." He whispered in my ear, his hand gripped around my head and he kissed my hair. Then he ran his lips down my neck and I was in love. We had dinner and it was all tacky. Then we ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door.

Willow's P.O.V
I left the house just after 7:30. Darry had gone out with someone and Soda was with Nat. Pony sat in the couch, waiting for Grace.
"Where are you going?"
"Hanging out with the people not in a date!" I lied, rather well might I add.
"Don't get hurt."
"Don't worry so much."

I gracefully walked out the door and walked to the DX. I tried to stay out of sight of anyone, I was wearing a dark Jean jacket, black pants and black boots. I blended in with the night.
When I arrived at the DX, Steve was working on a tuff car. His tattoo was covered in grease as was most of his skin.
"Hey, Dollface."
"Shut up, Grease Monkey." I walked over and sat beside him.
"Pass me that, would you?"
He motioned to a tool. Beats me what it's called.
He finished up with the car in about 5 minutes. He pulled back to admire his work. Then he grabbed my waist and placed me on the hood of the car. His hands still on my waist, he came closer. I wrapped my legs around his hips and remanded in the car. We made out for while, Then we moved inside the car, our lips never left each other's. We ended the night sitting in the hood of the drinking coke.

Grace's P.O.V

Ponyboy opened the door very quickly at 8:00. I jumped back startled.
"Oh sorry, I'm just excited."
"It's fine."
"Ready for dinner?"
We walked to the Dingo and had hamburgers and Pepsi's. After that we walked home to watch a horror movie. I wrapped my hand in his as we walked down the street.
I placed my pink jacket on the couch. We sat down with popcorn and cake to watch Psycho. It was so scary but I like The Birds the best.
Pony wrapped a blanket around me and I pressed up against his chest. Hie strong arm pulled around me in a reassuring grip. The shower scene was the worst part!
"You scared?" I asked.
"Nah." He replied bravely.
I fell asleep in his arms before the movie ended.

B's P.O.V

Two-Bit lit his cancer stick as we walked around town.
"So... are we a thing?" He awkwardly asked.
"I don't know, Two. I mean I really like you and all but Johnny."
"You Know Johnny was my friend too!" He raised his voice and he looked almost close to tears. " Your not the only one with a problem. You think I took it easy? Huh?"
"Two, that's not what..." he cut me off
"Look missy, I like you and I not know if that right or whatever but I like you and if Johnny is what stands in the the way then I can't anything. But just know I'm here."
He walked away and I had to run after him.
"Two-Bit Mathews, you wait up!"
He turned around and I planted a kiss right on his lips. he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up.

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