Chapter 7

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Willow's P.O.V
The sun had set but the air was warm. I sat in the back of Soda's car with Steve. Soda sat in the front with Nat, her face never stopped smiling. He movie star grin flashing and her laugh echoing through out the car.
"Hey, I came to see a horror movie not a love story." Steve's harsh voice interrupted. Everyone was quiet. Damn.
"I'm getting popcorn. Anyone want one?" Nat got out of the car.
"Sure, and a Pepsi please." I was a Pepsi girl like Ponyboy.
"Nah, I'll just eat Willow's." Steve laughed.
Nat started to walk away.
"I am coming with you." Sodapop jumped out of the car to Nat's side, holding her waist as they walked away. I looked over at Steve. His eyes were sparkling and his mouth was pulling in to a Sodapop grin.

Nat's P.O.V
Soda's strong hands were steady on my waist, guiding me to the concession. We didn't quite make it there. He pulled me away from the line to the side of the building. It was dark, he had pinned me to the wall, his arms were above my head and his face near mine. I could feel his breath slow and steady. His lips grazed my neck and chin until they settled on my lips, softly. My hands run through his hair, he didn't mind. He just press his lips harder and began to kiss down my neck and shoulder. I was happy finally happy.

Grace's P.O.V
The house was empty except for me and Pony. We sat on the porch watching the stars. That's why I liked him, he was just like me and enjoyed the little things like sunsets. He turned to me and grabbed my hands.
"I'm glad I have you."
I blushed and turned away but he grabbed my face and kissed me. He was embarrassed as he turned he head away. I sighed
"I'm glad I have you too Ponyboy."

Soda's P.O.V
Damn. I think I'm in love.

Willow's P.O.V

Steve was sweet in his own way. Yeah sure he had a temper but who didn't. The screams from the movie broke the silence. I jumped as Steve's arm sneaked over my shoulder. I settled in to his chest and watched the screen, his other hand rested on my head and brushed my hair away.
"You scared?" He asked almost mocking me.
"Not at all." I lied slightly.
He laughed "Sure."
I cuddle in to his chest a bit more not really watching the movie.

Grace's P.O.V

Ponyboy danced around the kitchen, trying to be like Elvis. Failing. His laugh was priceless, I wanted to just lay in his arms. It was a hot summer night, so I was making lemonade. Pony was eating chocolate cake and laughing with his mouthful.
"Eww close your mouth." I squealed
He just laughed more.
"Why are you so cute?" His eyes meet mine and he draw me in to his arm. his lips pecked my lips. I completely relaxed.

Nat's P.O.V

We forgot to get popcorn. We sat in the vacant lot. I was sitting on Soda's lap and his arms laced around my chest. I wanted to stay here forever. I think I'm in love. I never thought I would say that.
"Want to just sleep here?" Soda asked.
I sighed hoping this would never end.
"Yes. That's great."
I fell asleep with his manly arms around my chest telling me I was okay.

Grace's P.O.V

I was tired, too tired to dance or walk. I just wanted to sleep. The cake was finished and the lemonade too. Ponyboy and I were laying on his bed just talking.
"What's your favorite animal?" I asked.
"I guess horses but I really like all kinds."
We sighed, my feet were beside his head and his were beside mine. Our fingers linked in the middle. I fell asleep on his bed, forgetting to take off my shoes.

Willow's P.O.V
The movie ended, and as usual the main character died. I climbed in to the front seat with Steve because let's face it Soda was not coming back. Steve drove out of the theatre and began to my house. I kissed his cheek and thanked him but before we could make it home my eyes began to droop and felt heavy. the lay thing I remember was Steve picking me up and carrying me it to my house. He kisses me before he left because no one was around.

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