Chapter 6

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Bailey's P.O.V

Why? Why did I leave them alone? I let my feelings come over me. I vow to never let them leave when I am drinking. I did not sleep until they were at home. I have watched too many Mickey Mouse episodes with Two-Bit. I'm now going to visit the hospital.

I step in to Willow's room. Her brown hair is messy and dirty. She has lost weight.
"Hi." I'm awkward I know but I don't know why.
Her voice is weak and choppy.
"Hi B" she tries to say with excitement.
"How are you?"
"Never been better." Willow jokes.
"Look, I'm sorry I left you guys. I mean, I miss Johnny so much that my feelings clouded over my judgement." my face felt hot. "I want him back,with me. I want to be in his arms."
I sighed. Willow was about to cry.
"No, I don't want no sympathy tears. I should be crying for you."
I went home after I visited Nat and Grace.

Willow's P.O.V

Summer. What a word! I was so glad I was out of the hospital in time to finish sophomore year. The hot sun hit me face every morning and I was happy. They say Summer loving happens. I grinned.

When school ended we all went down to the field to play football. Soda was dancing across the field, I had to pull him to stay still.
"Girls verses boys?" Two-Bit suggested.
"Give the girls Darry to even out the teams." Steve said smugly.
"Okay everyone ready?" Darry asked.
"Hut 1, hut 2, hut 3 GO!" He throw Bailey the ball. I ran up the field. The ball came right to me. As I jumped I felt strong hands go around my waist. I crashed to the ground. As I looked down I found Steve's smiling face. We lay there and laughed, of course Darry came running.
"Damn it Steve, don't put her back in the hospital."
"Sorry Superman."
Darry almost punched Steve squared in the face but I stopped him.
"Let's play."
Nat caught the next ball. Of course Soda checked her.
Nat's P.O.V

"NAT GO LONG!" Bailey was yelling at me.
Why am I playing. I wondered, o suck at football. But Soda was running after me, so I ran to catch the ball. I caught it (wow), I headed to the end zone. Suddenly, Sodapop was right in front of me. I tried to dodge him, failing. He picked me up in his arms by the waist and swayed me back and forth. Then, he lifted me up a bit. I felt his lips touch my neck, tickling me slightly.
Steve came running.
"Damn it Soda, get a room some of us want to play."
I gave Steve the ball but Soda would not let me go.
"Soda, you're a doll but lets play."

Grace's P.O.V

The score was, damn I can't remember but the guys are winning by one. Ponyboy was passed the ball. He's so fast I will never catch him. As he runs my only instinct is to grab him. My arms wrap around his waist. He doesn't stop but drags my across the field. Into the end zone. I finally let down and he does a victory dance.
"Wow Grace, you just did not give up."
Pony helped me up. He smirked. Trying to wipe that smirk off his face I kissed him. We kinda stood there for a bit, his hands around my waist leaning against the end pole.

Willow's P.O.V

I'm happy for Ponyboy, but I want to be able to show my relationship. Me and Steve have only had alone time once and it was short. Just a peck on the cheek. Steve walks up to me, winks and puts his hand on my shoulder
"Pretty cute, huh?"
"Nah. We could do better." god I want to kiss him right now. He laughed. I hated doing things behind my brothers' back but I could not stand it if they disapproved. I need to just be with Steve a bit more.
Darry walked over a spilt the love birds apart.

Bailey's P.O.V
I was headed the ball, I sprinted to the end zone. Two-Bit running after me, cussing that he would drop his switchblade. He was so sweet the night of the jumping, telling me it was not my fault. I tripped slightly on a rock, Two caught up to me. His strong arms pushed me over from behind. I hit the ground with a thud, my chest hurt. I groaned.
"Damn it Two-Bit." I weakly said.
His eyes darted
"You okay?"
"Yeah, you're too rough." I slowly got up.
"Sorry, I wasn't thinking." he said abnormally concerned.
"Nah it's cool. I'm fine really." he still continued to help me. The gang ran over.
"Hey, y'all okay?" Darry asked.
"We're fine."
"It's getting dark. Me and Nat are going to go to the movies. Anyone want to come?" Sodapop asked
"Nah I'm good." my legs hurt and Curly would want to see me later.
"Sure." Willow chimed in.
"Yeah, I'll come." Steve added.
"anyone else?"
Everyone else shook their heads.

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