Chapter 8: Bowser vs Aria

Start from the beginning

Aria: Indeed. My name is Aria. I am the strongest of The Element Four, I've come in the hopes of slaying the monster-man.

Bowser: (thoughts, cocks a brow) Monster-man? Is he trying to insult me? 

Natsu: Let me handle him, I can still fight!

Bowser: No, don't intervene. (cracks his knuckles and smirks) I'm gonna show this guy why I am the King of the Koopas.

Aria: Hmph, I was told that you have incredible power. That body structure of yours is rather.... unimpressive.

Bowser: Those are fighting swords coming from a big crybaby. 

Aria sniffled in response, more tears flowing from under his bandages. Bowser sweat dropped. This guy was really disturbing him with all the crying.

Bowser: Dude, could yah stop with the waterworks? It's creeping me out.

Aria: You'll pay a heavy price for mocking me. 

The air mage held out both hands, his thumbs cocked in toward his palms.

Aria: Try a taste of my Airspace Magic!

Bowser cocked a brow. Usually, when a wizard cast a spell, a magic circle would appear in front of them. At least, that's what he noticed so far in his time in this crazy magic universe. However, no magical circle appeared.

Bowser was about to comment until suddenly, a blast of air smacked into him. The airspace wall sent him careening back. He flipped in midair and landed on his feet before he shook off the attack. He had felt the impact from that attack; nevertheless, his super-hard shell protected from feeling any real pain.

The air wizard looked at Bowser peculiarly, though he couldn't tell because of the bandages covering his eyes. He was intrigued that this Koopa King was able to get up so easily after that attack. Granted he was holding back his full strength, but still.

Bowser: Airspace? So you use air magic, huh? Well, you're in for a mess of trouble!

Bowser unleashed his fire breath from his mouth. Aria was unprepared from the breath. He held out his arms in front to shield himself, the flames steadily pushing him back.

Bowser kicked it up a notch by increasing his breath to the point where the air mage was blown off his feet and hurled into the flight of stairs behind him.

Bowser: (smirk) Ha! Master of air? Don't make me laugh.

Shockingly, Aria stood back up, despite the devastating flames that were pushing against him. Aria of the Heavens sniffled, more tears falling from beneath his bandages.

Aria: Amateur! Your flames power are nothing compared to my wind!

He held out one hand, this time, a purple magical seal appeared.

Aria: Airspace: Zetsu!

Aria: Airspace: Zetsu!

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