April's Diary

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April 21st, 1983

I can't stop crying, I'm so glad I had the foresight to bring my diary tonight, I don't know what I would be doing here without it, I think I'd lose my mind honestly.

Right now the whole family's all sitting under the dull fluorescent lights, the ones that you can only find in schools and hospitals. Good on them for making an animal hospital feel like a human one. The only difference between this and a regular E.R is that everyone in the waiting rooms has a dog cat or bird on their lap.

I don't know what's wrong with Cherry but she's been agitated ever since we moved, yesterday she was barking all night which she never does.  But then today she wouldn't move at all and then when she did get up she couldn't walk straight and kept throwing up. Dad finally said we had to bring her in and here we are, sitting, waiting. I'm still in pjs and slippers but thank god so are most people here. Trixie hasn't had a pet die on her before so she's not worried, but I remember my fish, and the cat that ran into our neighbor's house and never came out. At least Woodland has neighbors who are nice, not that some people in Texas aren't but our neighbor was terrible. I don't want to remember him, moving on...

It's 12:44 in the morning but thank god it's Friday or I wouldn't have been able to come. I know it may not seem like it but I really love that stupid dog and it's taking a lot for me not to fall apart right now. I have to be strong for Trixie, if I get sad she'll get scared.

I want to keep my mind busy while we wait. Mrs. Enson talked about stream of consciousness writing, I couldn't do it at school but this seems like a much better setting for it. Let's see... Oh yeah, I made Donna tell me about the house, my parents were mad that I found out but whatever, they should have told me. It's not even a big deal, no one was killed-- not in the house at least.

A girl who was babysitting someone in the house went missing a couple of years ago. I don't know much, most people don't know anything past that. Absolutely no one was killed in my house so the ghost theory is out, but I do have to admit, I still don't feel like I'm not alone when I'm there. I wonder if Donna would be up for a night of ouija boarding...

April 21st, 1983 (4:03 A.M)

Cherry's alive!! Looks like we're stuck with the little fat ball of fur for a while, and I'm relieved. The doctor said she ate something bad, but we can't make sense of that since she doesn't go outside and there's nothing but dog food for her on the floor. But he says she'll be okay. Anyway, I'm falling asleep, just couldn't wait to write that update.

Oh and one last thing, this one's a doozy!

As I was putting Trixie to bed she woke up. She was looking straight up, like, past me, almost like I wasn't even there. I asked her what was wrong. 

She told me to ask the lady in her ceiling to stop staring. 

I almost fainted. I don't know if I should laugh at how weird my sister is or to cry at how scared she makes me when she says thing like that! I looked up and there was no one there but the whole time I almost peed my pants! 

Good night!

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