| Star Power |

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  "Wait wait...star power...wars? How does any of this make sense?!" Sun cried, his eyes still widened as he stared at them all in horror. "Do any other of you guys have star power besides Solar..? Or...." 

The other animatronics all winced at his statement, their gazes traveling to Calypso and Black Hole...answering Sun's question for him.

  "So you two....so three of you have star power then...? A-And...well...what uh...role do you guys have in this war?"

Lunar stepped forwards, his eyes narrowed. "We're scraps....failed animatronics....whatever other useless name you could give us. The Creator made most of in hopes to add us to the Keepers but we didn't turn out how he wanted...or at least that's their deals..." Lunar wvaed to everyone else. "Solar and I...were created by our Sun and Moon...we uh....you don't need to know about them..." he went silent.

  "Calypso is the remaining star body that is still willing to help us, the rest all left us to fend for ourselves again the Keepers and the demonic beings..." Solar added.

Sun tensed up a bit. "What do you mean by demonic beings...? And why can't I know about myself and Moon from this world...?"

Black Hole replied instead. "Because you won't like how you turned out here, and the demonic beings aren't important...whats important is this question. Will you help us if we promise to help you get home?"

And Sun was left with all eyes on him.

=_A Different World; A Sun and Moon Show Story_=Where stories live. Discover now