My arch-nemesis.

My academic rival.

Ryan Miller.

He shoved a big acceptance letter in my face.

He got accepted in Yale.


I hated him. He had this habit of gloating whenever he did something better than me, since forever.

Like in 6th grade, when I got the flu and he beat me in the Music Competition.

My band was the best. Everyone knew it. But because of my flu-covered vocal chords, we lost that day. And he just couldn't stop showing me his trophy.

But this time, he was genuinely winning in everything.

"Congratulations, you sicko." I said sarcastically.

I took out my books and shut the locker, trying to ignore him.

Unfortunately, we had our Math class together.

I took my usual seat next to Courtney and smiled at her because I felt bad because of how I treated her earlier.

"Are you in a better mood now?" she consulted?

"Yeah, kind of" I lied.

I had built this habit of lying a lot during this summer. Earlier, I used to hate lying. And look at me now.

The teacher entered and started asking everyone about their summer. Every kid in the class had a good summer. Everyone went on trips, had fun with friends and families, dressed up, and everything.

But here I was, sitting in my room in the dark, staring at the wall.

I spent my entire summer like that.

3 months.

My parents were concerned. Courtney was concerned.

But could that change anything?

Could that change the fact that I was becoming a disappointment in everyone's life.

Even in my own life.

I wish.

I was a failure.

And I couldn't live being a failure.

I can't live.

"... and I also went to a pool party." Courtney stopped speaking. 

It's my turn.

All eyes were on me.

"I don't have anything so say, Mr Cooper." I spoke up.

"You must have done something in these three months, Ms Biswas." he insisted.

I shook my head.

His expression changed and he moved on to the next person.

The rest of the day was a blur. Life kept happening and I kept my head above the water.

It was hard, so hard that it hurt. But I didn't have any other option but to survive.

I finally went to my last class, which was English.

I took my seat next to Courtney, who was sitting next to her friend Alan Howard, who was sitting next to his cousin Ryan Miller.

God's grace.

Ms Martin entered the class with huge smirk on her face.

That could only mean one thing.

Group assignment.

"Guys, I have a wonderful group assignment for you!"


She explained us the topics on which we could prepare the project.

I guess this was the only I could improve my grades for whatever time I still had to live. Survive.

"Okay, so I'm going to divide you all among groups of 5."

She made all the groups.

And only five of us were remaining.



Alan Howard.

Ryan! Ugh!

And Dylan Mackenzie. The meanest girl alive. My bully.

This day sucked.

But it was about to get even worse.

"Sarah and Ryan will be the co-leaders of this group." she commanded.


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