Chapter VI

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"And after all the blood that you still owe,
Another dollar's just another blow."


The three of them were sitting in the back of the van as the other four chatted in the front. It would be a fun field trip if it weren't for the mysterious motives behind it all.

Truth be told, there was an elephant in the room, they just didn't know how to address it. Jane was blinded with wanting to kill Jeff; Jeff wanted to leave; and Liu wanted to make amends with his brother but knew it would be futile. Both because a part of himself does hate him, but also because he knew Jeff wouldn't give a shit. He's long gone.

A cheerful song played softly on the radio. Personally, none of them likes cheerful music, but they needed something as to not fall asleep, since they barely slept anyways. They do have to admit- the seven of them- that it's nice to get out of their usual routine and just... travel. It seems almost ridiculous. Feeling the sunlight through the trees, illuminating the van just slightly, chuckling at every little empty comment that would be made every now and then over the music on the radio... They miss when their lives were just this.

Jeff was serious for the first time. Looking into their eyes hurt. It all brought memories he'd rather burn, and although he just wanted to kill and choke them both, a part of himself was hurting just by being in their presence.

"So..." He started with a mocking grin, "How's life been?"

"Oh, shut it."

Back to the silence it is then.

Liu sighed, "Look, I'll start. I don't want stuff to be like this. The three of us used to be friends. We can't go back to that- obviously not. I just don't want us to hate each other like this."

Although his expression was mean, eyebrows furrowed and muscles tense, his words were like a weight lifted off their shoulders. No other words could explain their feelings better.

"Just..." Jane spoke for the first time with a soft voice, "What happened to you, Jeff...?"

Even if he wanted to answer, he wouldn't know how to. Both his body and mind have been a mess ever since the day it all happened, but he couldn't let that show. No. They can't go back, Liu said it very well. He might as well just give in to the dark pits of his mind and ignore his longings. Although his mind is constantly clouded with blood and thunder and metal, he just can't let go. Heaven knows the nights he cried himself to sleep, alone, in Jane's destroyed house- face and eyes hurting through the tears. His permanently-open eyes would burn and redden, but he would cry. He would hate himself and what he became, and the worst part, is that he couldn't stop it. He began to love the way he hated himself.

Then he looked in his brother's eyes and he couldn't help but scoff with disgust. His gaze radiated pure rage but maybe- just maybe- it were those said dark pits constraining him from making it all better. It's not like he didn't want to. There was just no going back. And there's no denying it. He loves this type of hate now.

Jane was looking at him with uncertainty and suspicion, but her mind was racing. The way Jeff is averting his gaze anytime he can, his sudden silence, his whole body language... Oh, there's something there.

But as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, Chaser rushed to their side, and in a panicked tone, asked them to turn around and cover their ears. Liu protested rightfully, saying that this whole situation was weird, and they couldn't just let their guards down. So she had to explain the situation.

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