chapter eighteen

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Nikolette's POV

Three months I have sit beside his bed. He went into a coma after we got him out. I talked to him daily about the baby and everything. The bullet had missed his heart by an inch, the doctor said. When he fell, he struck his head on the corner of the counter where they had been. Who would have thought a kitchen counter would be what took Aaron Starvroce out.

Jason came by every day and checked in on him. I meet Isabel Gregory and her son, little Kaden. They were not mad at all that Aaron had killed Froster Gregory a matter of fact she sounded relieved that he was gone. It made me wonder what kind of relationship they had. I took the time and paid respects at his funeral. I thought it was only right. Jason came with me. He said I had done the right thing. If Aaron had been awake, he would have gone himself. It was about honor to them. Just because they disagreed didn't mean they didn't respect the other. Jason said it was why Aaron chose to end Froster, the why he did. Out of respect for his family and him. I don't think I fully understand it, but whatever works for them.

Donna came up to see me and how I was after everything settled down. We have been keeping  close taps on each other.

Mr. Starvroce has been in and out to see Aaron. I haven't told him yet that he was going to be a grandpa. I'm still waiting for Aaron to wake up so we can tell him together.

The lights are out, and I lay my head down beside Aaron on the bed. I have gotten used to the scent of rubber and bleach. My hand lazily holds to his arm as I try to sleep.

"I heard an angel in my dreams." I hear him in my sleep, but then his hand touches my head. "Then I wake up, and here you are,"

My head pops up, eyes open wide "Aaron" I scream, climbing the bed

I kiss his face as the sound of the machines they have him hooked up to start complaining.

"Hey," he says

Tears stream down my face. "I thought I lost you forever,"

"Truns out. I have a lot to live for," he says

I sit on top of his legs. That's when I noticed the nurse in the room.

"You really shouldn't be up there with him ma'am" she says

"She's fine," Aaron tells her

"I'll send the doctor in to check on you. Welcome back," the nurse says

He grabs my hips, and his eyes drat down my body. "I don't know how much I dreamed or how much was real," he says

I smile. "We're really going to have a baby," I tell him

He laughs, pulling me to him, his lips clam mine. The light comes on, and he flinch.

"Sorry about that," the doctor says

"That's my sign to move," I tell him. His grip tightens. "I'll come back," I tell him. He smiles, releasing me

I slip down into the chair beside the bed.

"Ok, let's take a look. How are you feeling?" Doctor Roma asked

"Pertty good, I can feel my legs," he says

I smile. "Will that's a good thing?" Roma says, "Do you remember everything?"


"You're name"

"Aaron Starvroce"

"Good, this beautiful woman that was sitting on you,"

"My wife, Nikolette," he says

"Good," the doctor says as he checks his vitals. "Everything looks like there in order. I'll come back tomorrow and see how you're doing, and if nothing else, we'll release you. "The doctor says "how that sound? "

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