chapter sixteen

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Nikolette's POV

For two days, I have done nothing but laied in bed, crying my eyes out over that ass hat. His words hurt me, and I let him let him break me. I let him take my virginity and what was left of my innocents. I was so blind to think he was changing.

"Kole, you should eat something," Donna says

"The smell makes me sick," I tell her

"Maybe you should go see a doctor,"

"It's just my nerves are all over the place,"

"Kole, I don't think this has anything to do with your nerves, hon," she says

I bite my lip as I lay there. "I hate him,"

"I understand."

"He's such an ass hole,"

"He shouldn't have led you on like that,"

"Why did I even marry him?" I ask, burying my face in my pillow

I had ended up telling Donna the whole truth about Aaron and my arrangement. How I had let Rosielyn talk me into marriage with him to pay off debt that dad had owed. How did I ever let it come to this.

"I can't believe he had the nerve to tell me I was only good for sex," I say, sitting up in bed

"Maybe he was only trying to make you mad so you would come out here freely," Donna says

"Wait, what did you just say?" I asked her before I truned back over

"It was nothing," she says

"No, it makes sense." I say laughing."He thinks he's clever. He only told me that so I would be mad enough to come out here, " I tell her

"I don't follow," she says

"He told me once he would do anything to protect me," I tell her. "This is his way of protecting me."

"By making you mad," she asked

"He knew I wouldn't leave any other way," I tell her

"I understand, so what are you going to do?"

I smile. "Give it a couple of days, then I'm going home,"

She nods. "So, are you still mad?"

"Yes, his an ass, but I love him,"

She smiles, "Let's go shopping and get our minds off this stuff. I'm sure he wouldn't want you worrying this whole time. "

"I'm really not feeling like shopping, though."

"Then let me take you to the doctor,"

I nod, getting up. I head into the bathroom. I shower and dress, then meet Donna in the kitchen. Nick stands at the stove.

"Feeling better," he asked

"A little," I tell him

"I'm taking her to see Doctor Hictor," Donna tells him

"Be careful," he tells her, leaning over to give her a kiss.

I miss Aaron, the touch of his lips on mine. Donna grabs my hand, pulling me out of the house. I watch out the window as she drives.

"It's going be alright Kole you'll see,"

"I miss him," I tell her

"Maybe it won't be long before you're back with him. " she says."I could tell by the way you looked at each other you were in love with each other. "

Tears prickled my eyes as I thought of what he might be doing right now. I only pray he is safe and unharmed. I couldn't stand to think about losing him, not now.

How did we ever get this far. Memories of high school flood my head. The torture we put each other through. Our college years were where we thought we were free, but then there he was. Years and years of abuse and torture we had endured from each other. Only to end up married in each other arms.

When the car stopped, I looked out at the building in front of me. It was brick with one glass door. A bove was a sign that read doctor Hictor office.

"I called, and they said you can come in now," Donna says

I nod, slowly getting out. Donna signed me in as we entered the huge waiting room. There are red chairs with soft seats and backs in them. A small counter with a window where a lady sits behind. A bathroom to the right with water fountain in the middle, divin the two bathrooms. The floor looked like a stone marble floor, a breeze and brown color. And the walls are a warm white and ocean blue color.

"Nikolette Starvroce," the lady called my name

I almost didn't recognize my name. But that was who I was Nikolette Starvroce. I am married to Aaron Starvroce.

She weighs me in and gets my temperature and blood pressure.

"When was your last menstrual cycle?" she asked

"Last month, at the beginning," I tell her

"Are you sexual active?" she asked


"Why are you here to see the doctor today?"

"I've been feeling sick for the last couple of days,"

"Just recently," she asked


"Any other systems," she asked

"I'm very exhausted, and I keep getting lightheaded,"

She shows me to a smaller room where I sit and wait for the doctor.

Doctor Hictor is an older gentleman with gray hair and small eyes. He reminds me of a grandfather like figure. His hands are small for a man's hands. When he walks in, he smiles with dimples on both cheeks.

"Mrs. Starvroce, I'm Doctor Hictor. "

"Nice to meet you," I say with a warm smile

"I going need you to pee in a cup for me. You think you can do that"


"We're going to run a couple of tests to rule out. Pregnancy and any kind of infection that might be causing your symptoms"

I nod. "Thank you."

"Then we're going get some blood," he tells me. "We'll test for flu and any other illness that could be related."

I nod. He hands me a cup, and I step into the little bathroom. After doing that, they took blood simples and swabed my mouth. I didn't have any kind of virus. All that came back negative. There were no infections, but my pregnancy test was illegible. So they set off a sample of blood for that as will.

"So" Donna asked as I came out

"I have to wait until my blood test comes back," I tell her

"Did they say what they think it was?" she asked

"I might be pregnant," I tell her

She smiles. "So are you.."

I smile a tear, rolling down my cheek. "This was everything Aaron and I wanted. I don't want to jinx it. "

She nods. "Let's go home and not celebrate. We'll eat pizza and have Nick buy us some root beer. "

I laugh. "I want to go and book my flight back. I'll leave next week whether he calls or not. I need to be home with him. " I tell Donna

She nods. "Are you sure it will be safe?"

"Safe or not, I need to tell him,"

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