chapter eight

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Nikolette's POV

Week had passed, and he still hasn't returned my necklace. That necklace belongs to my mother. It was one of the only things I had left of hers. I tried not to think about it too much because it was still in the house. And he had said he would return it. But it just angered me that he hadn't yet.

I start downstairs as a knock on the door comes. Smiling, I open it to a delivery man.

"Special delivery for Mrs. Nikolette Starvroce, " he says

I smile. "That's me," I say, signing the thing he hands me

"Have a good day ma'am" he says, then leaves

I wondered where it came from. There wasn't a return address on it, just our address. It was mine, so it's mine to open. I sit it up on the small table in the hallway there, taking the letter opener. I cut through the type.

A scream lift my lips at the gruesome sight. It was pale and pasty looking. The eyes, though, oh my God, the eyes were stearing straight at me.

"What wrong?" Aaron comes running out of his office gun in hand. I point to the box. Slowly he looks into it "Fuck" he cusses I trun away from the box "Jason"

I didn't even know Jason was here I hadn't formally meet him yet. But I knew they worked together.

"What's going on" Jason asked

He was a tall man taller then Aaron. With dark brown hair and like Aaron he had that musclen build.

"Take care of that" Aaron tells him

"Who the fuck is that sorry ma'am" he says glancing at me

"I think it use to be my ex boss" I say

Aaron looks at me "Alright just get it out the house" He tells Jason

Aaron pulls me into his arms. I allow it I needed it right now. My whole body was shaking.

"You alright" he asked

"Yeah, why would someone send me that" I ask

"It wasn't meant for you it was meant for me" he says

"Then why was it in my name"

"Because they know I don't scare easy"

I wrap my arms around him needing to feel safe and right now he was my safe place.

Jason clears his throat as he comes back in but nether one of us moves "if you're done with me I'll be heading out" he tells Aaron

"Yeah, thank you for taking care of that" Aaron says

"I'll call you " Jason says

"Move that shipment out tonight" Aaron tells him

He must of nodded because I didn't hear him say anything else. The sound of the door closing as he leaves us was the last thing.

"Can I ask way someone would send my ex boss head to you" I ask Aaron

"To let me know that they know you are my wife" he says tiltling my chin up so our eyes meet.

"Why couldn't they just send a postcard saying 'hey I seen you with Nikolette'" I say

He smiles "they want to get my attention"

"Will they certainly got my attention"

"Don't worry I just put more gaurds on you" he says

My eyes widen "I have gaurds" I ask I never noticed

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