chapter two

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Aaron's POV

Getting married was my father's idea of keeping the business going. No matter how hard I tried to convince him, I could do this on my own he thought it best I marry. He refused to hand over any part of the family business until I was married. And to make it even worse, I had to stay married to this woman for five years to keep my inherent. And to make matters worse, it had to be the daughter of Alistair Grant.

The deal was that I was supposed to marry Donna Grant. But she didn't show up. Not that she was any better than her sister, but at least I could have stood to be in the same room as her. Nikolette had always gotten under my skin.

Her long black hair and bright green eyes. She was perfect. You could just tell she was one of them girls that starved their self. About the only thing she had going for her was her big ass and breast. I mean, she was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but if she ate more, she would probably be more so.

I glance at her now, even with makeup on she's so pale. She thought she was always better than everyone. Made perfect grades in school were even valedictorian. She had it so easy. Her father didn't make her have a take on the family business. She got to go to the college she chose.

I looked away before she caught me watching her. I sounded jealous. Maybe I was a little because I didn't get the freedom she got. I was made to take over my father's estate. Work in his shadow, perpear for the Starvroce riches.

We pull through the gates of the house, and I let out a sigh of relief. Home, I was thankful dad hadn't planned for a honeymoon. He did, however, give me two weeks off. I didn't know what I was going to do with that time.

"typical," I hear her whimper

"If you're expecting a honeymoon, sorry, sweet cakes," I say

She smiles, but I can tell it's a fake. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you," she says

As the limousine comes to a stop, she gets out. I wait for Wade to open the door.

"Thank you, Wade," I say with a nod

I open the door, allowing her to go through before me. She stood in the hall looking at the huge ceilings and white walls.

"Do I get my own corner of the house, or do I have to shear with you?" she asked

I roll my eyes. "I'll get someone to show you to your room," I tell her. "I have something I have to take care of. Don't bother me."

I leave her standing in the hallway. I didn't really care if she left. But a part of me knew if she did, I would lose everything I had worked so hard for. Frustrated I strom into my office I pour myself  some gin off the bar as I inter. I needed a drink. I don't even bother watering it down. I just drank it straight.

Going to my desk, I take a seat in the huge black chair, spinning it toward the window. Taking another dink of the gin, I feel the burn as it goes down.

I pick up my phone to make the call. It only rigns twice before Jason Monroe answers.

He had been working for me for years now. One of the few I trusted. Almost felt like family to me.

"Hey boss," he says

"Give me the numbers of shipments for this week," I tell him

"We have over a thousand that was sent out today alone." He tells me

"Good, how's the new guy doing?"

"He's not too bad, funny, really.  Eddie has been keeping an eye on him. "

"I'm off for two weeks. You think you can hold it down."

"Sure thing, how the wedding go"

"This whole thing is fucked up. If he's wanting grandbabies then shit out of luck" I tell him "There's no way in fucking hell I'm fucking her"

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