I met this girl

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I met this girl,
who holds her pain as if it's glass.
Who's gotten so used to carrying it.
She's convinced that without it
her light won't pass.
With so much to carry,
with bruises on her shoulder.
She saves being happy
for some day when she's older.
I met this girl,
but she wouldn't fully let me inside.
Because when love
becomes something to seek,
you learn it's less painful to hide.
Because this girl I'm learning
for a long time lived in lack.
So even when love was wrong,
she still always took them back.
Because something is better...
Than nothing at all.
But is love really love
when they're the one pushing you to fall?
As this girl got older,
she promised to be more.
Because this scarcity mindset
wasn't protecting her anymore.
But the girl I met
lingered within her still.
Her pain turned into a pitcher,
other cups used to fill.
So this girl became empty.
She was never thought to say no.
Because when nothing ever stays,
you let everything go.
I met this girl,
who holds her pain as if it's glass.
Constantly being told
that the feeling will one day pass.
But one day she's frustrated
and she's never been one to yell.
So she starts crying so hard.
Guess what fell...
And the pieces all shatter,
the shame and the guilt.
She tries to pick them up,
but they don't pair well
with the life she's built.
That's when I met this girl.
Wounded on the floor.
And I saw her pick herself up and say,
"I don't wanna carry this anymore".

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