Tae's fingers dug in JK's hair, "Jungkoook. Jungkoook."



Tae's hand on JK's shoulders, "Jungkook?"

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Tae asked and JK suddenly opened his eyes.


Did he fall asleep on a rock?

"Are you okay?" Tae asked again, worried, "Your eyes were closed."

Jungkook was so flushed, he barely looked at Tae's face.


Don't look at him, or you will get hard, his brain barked.

But still Jungkook looked up and saw Tae turning around almost slipping on the rock. But Jungkook was quick and he grabbed Tae – well – Tae's ass. Again.

They both fell on the rocks. Jungkook's entire weight on Tae's leg. His hands on Tae's ass tight.

Tae looked up horrid at Jungkook and still he didn't let go off Tae's ass.

"Aaaahhh!" Tae screamed feeling insane pain in his ankle.

Oblivious to the fact that Jungkook's hand was in agony too. He was holding on to Tae's ass tightly. But the feel of Tae's ass against his skin made him forget everything.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked his hand still stuck under Tae's ass.

"Hurts," Tae cried clutching Jungkook's shoulders tight, "Jungkook, I can't move my right leg. It hurts."

Jungkook realized he had put all of his weight on Tae's leg. Thankfully, his leg was twisted or anything. But Tae cried like a baby unable to move it.

Tae's eyes watered and JK could see water on his eyelashes. Jungkook felt so bad. His heart ached.

"I – I am sorry Tae," he mumbled and finally brought him close to himself.

"Its okay," Tae smiled weakly.

"Um, I will pick you up, okay?" Jungkook took permission and Tae slowly nodded his head.

Clutching Jungkook like a baby Tae was lifted off and brought out of the waterfall. At first, they both sat and scrutinized the leg.

Thankfully, nothing was broken but it still hurt Tae.

"I think we should apply some ointment?" Tae asked still having that cry baby face.

Jungkook touched his leg and poked gently, "Does it hurt?"

Tae shook his head.

Jungkook poked again harshly and Tae screamed, his nails digging in Jungkook's skin, "It hurts Jungkook. Stop!"

"Hey, don't cry," Jungkook felt bad and put his hand forward to caresses his back but Tae hugged him.

Jungkook's heart stopped beating.

Tae's face was buried in Jungkook's chest as he sat and sobbed. Jungkook felt so bad. Here, Tae was hurt and crying and Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about their closeness, Tae's lips, Tae's whole body.

Fuck! Stop it, Jungkook. He's hurt. Carry him to the tent and take care of him.

"Let's go to the tent and rest?" Jungkook asked and without waiting for his answer picked him up easily and began walking.

Suddenly, as Tae saw the other guys, he realized what position they were in. Jungkook half-naked, Tae wet and in Jungkook's arms. He blushed furiously despite the historical pain in his foot.

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