As the great Rishis chanted their mantras, each word seemed to change the atmosphere in profound ways

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As the great Rishis chanted their mantras, each word seemed to change the atmosphere in profound ways. Sometimes, it felt powerful, then filled with divine grace, and at other times, it brought feelings of fear, love, and intense heat. Emotions ran high, leaving everyone at the yagna feeling a mix of fear, worry, and awe.

But amidst all these ups and downs, Krishna, Balram, and Kirthi stayed calm, their peaceful presence grounding the space. After an hour or two of intense chanting, the mantras stopped, and Kirthi opened her eyes. But this time, something was different; her eyes shone with a golden light, like flames flickering within them. The Sapta Rishis shared knowing looks, understanding that a crucial moment had arrived.

Rishi Atri's gaze rested upon Kirthi as he addressed her, conveying the solemnity of the moment. "Putri, now is the time for the Ahuti, where we offer sacrifices into the sacred fire. Through these offerings to Agnidev, not only he but all divine beings shall bear witness to your emotions, strength, wisdom, aura, weakness, and love." Kirthi nodded in acknowledgment, her demeanor poised and reverent. "Awashya, Rishivar," she replied, signaling her readiness. With that, the Ahuti commenced, marking the beginning of a sacred exchange between mortal and divine.

As each offering was made into the sacred fire, its significance echoed through the air, resonating with the divine and the mortal Started with ghee ( Clarified butter), which represents purity and is considered a symbol of offering the best

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As each offering was made into the sacred fire, its significance echoed through the air, resonating with the divine and the mortal
Started with
ghee ( Clarified butter), which represents purity and is considered a symbol of offering the best. Swaha,
Grains (rice, wheat, barley) symbolize prosperity, abundance, and nourishment. Swaha,
Fruits, which are offered as a symbol of sweetness, fertility, and abundance. Swaha,
Milk, which symbolizes purity, nourishment, and the nurturing aspect of the divine. Swaha,
Yogurt symbolizes auspiciousness, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Swaha,
Jaggery symbolizes simplicity, humility, and the sweetness of devotion. Swaha,
Coconut which represents purity, vitality, and the divine life force. Swaha,
Saffron represents purity, auspiciousness, and the attainment of spiritual goals. Swaha,
Cardamom symbolizes warmth, fragrance, and the awakening of the senses. Swaha,
Cloves which Offered for protection, purification, and the dispelling of negativity. Swaha,
Dried fruits (dates, figs, raisins) symbolize sweetness, abundance, and divine blessings. Swaha,
Nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios), which offered for strength, endurance, and the attainment of goals. Swaha,
Flowers (marigolds, roses, jasmine) symbolize beauty, purity, and the devotion of the heart. Swaha,
Tulsi leaves (holy basil), which represents devotion, purity, and the worship of the divine. Swaha,
Sandalwood represents purity, auspiciousness, and the cooling of the mind and body. Swaha,
Camphor symbolizes purity, clarity, and the dispelling of darkness. Swaha,
Turmeric powder represents auspiciousness, protection, and the purification of the self. Swaha,
kumkum (Vermilion powder), which offered for auspiciousness, prosperity, and the blessing of the divine feminine. Swaha,
Raksha Sutra (Sacred threads) symbolize protection, blessings, and the connection to divine grace. Swaha,
Ganga Jal (Sacred water) represents purity, vitality, and the blessings of divine grace. Swaha,
Cow dung, which offered for purification, fertility, and the removal of negative energies. Swaha,
kusha grass (sacred grass), which  represents purity, auspiciousness, and the blessings of divine protection. Swaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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