🎊Birthday Special🎊(Devil Shu x Angel Valt)

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Shu- 13


Valt was sitting on his bed kicking his feet up and down excitedly. The butler entered his room with a soft smile.

"Looks like our Majesty's quite happy today."

Valt looked up at him with an adorable face.

"Why wouldn't I be?! It's my birthday today and Mom had promised me that when I turn 13, she would let me go out of this castle and explore the real world. I'm so excited for that!"

"I'm glad to hear that and I hope you'd have a wonderful day ahead."

Valt got up from his bed and ran out of his room.

In The Underworld

Someone had been secretly keeping an eye on him as a smirk formed on his face.

"Master, he turned 13 today and he surely wouldn't lose the chance of leaving his castle, which he had almost been wishing from a decade. It would be the perfect time to bring you his purest heart, wouldn't it be Master?"

Shu got up from his throne as he continued to smirk devilishly.

"It would be more than perfect and I had been waiting for this day for almost so long."

"So do we send the other demons to bring him here?"

"No actually I was thinking of doing that myself."

He gave a handsome grin and walked out.

Back With Valt

"Mom I'm going now!"

"Okay sweetie but take care of yourself."

Valt finally found himself free from all those restrictions. He was finally getting to go out of that castle, in which he spent all his life with every bit of luxury but he didn't want a life like that. He wanted to be free and happy.

"It's so beautiful out here always looking out of my window and watching the same view for all those years had made it so boring but naturally, it's just so wonderful!"

It had been a few minutes since Valt had been roaming around when he heard someone's footsteps.

The castle was particularly located inside a jungle and one had to cross it before reaching the main town. But it was rarely that anyone would be there.

Valt walked up to place from where he could hear the footsteps advancing from. Then all of a sudden the bushes moved and someone sprang out of them as Valt shut his eyes tightly.

"Aaahh!!" He fell down. He slowly opened his eyes as he felt as if he had had been pinned on a tree by someone.

"What a scraredy cat you are."

Shu smirked still pinning him. Valt couldn't stop staring at the handsome face of his which gradually made him blush.

"I'm n.not a scar..edy cat. It wa..s just th..at y..ou show..ed up quite a sudden."

"Oh is that so? Then.."

Shu placed his hand roughly on his chest feeling his heartbeat go fast.

"...why is your heart thumping so much?"

Valt blushed again as he softly tried removing his hand from his chest.

Shu started moving closer as Valt moved back blushing harder as Shu softly started rubbing his palm on his chest.

He finally grinned and let him go.

"Pttp...you're pathetic." He got up and sat down beside him in a handsome yet cold manner.

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