💧Under Your Umbrella💧(Bully Shu x Valt)

285 39 6

Shu- 14

Valt- 14

Hope you like it 🙂

It was a normal school morning. Valt was a new student and he was late to school on his first day of school.

He hurriedly and greatly made to the bus stop on time. He quickly entered the bus but he bumped into someone and fell on top of him/her.

He opened his eyes only to see that he was in the arms of a boy almost his age. He blushed and looked at him into his eyes but the next moment itself, the albino boy pushed him away which startled Valt.

"Better stay away from me and don't dare to do something like that again or you'll be in great trouble."

Valt was very puzzled. There was one guy who offered his hand to Valt. Valt smiled and took it in order to stand up. He took him with him to a nearby seat where he was sitting.

"Thank you!" Valt smiled at him. "Don't thank me. But just be away from him. He is Shu and he's our class bully. He cares for no one but you were lucky enough that he caught you before you fell."

But Valt somehow felt that Shu wasn't that bad. At school Valt tried to get Shu's attention but Shu didn't even bother it. (Poor Valt)

At the end of the school when everybody had left, Valt stood in front of Shu and thanked him for helping him earlier.

"Thank you so much for saving me in the morning." He bowed down to him to show his gratitude but Shu didn't even care a bit and walked passed him.

Valt wasn't still satisfied so he started following him all the way and asked him million questions but Shu kept ignoring him.

"What's your hobby?"

"What do you like doing in your free time?"

"What's your favorite color?"

And a million more......

Would you like to be friends?"

Now Shu was totally fired up. He turned behind and screamed at him. "Why can't you just leave! You're such a big head ache!"

He pushed him towards a building wall which made Valt wince in pain. He pinned his wrist very tightly on the wall which hurt him a lot. "Ahh!!"

But Shu felt a sensation as if he didn't want to see him hurt and he immediately let him go.

Valt was very scared and he was almost crying. "You're really bad!" He quickly ran away but Shu had never felt this way before.

The Next day

Valt was staying way from Shu after all that had happened yesterday and Shu was avoiding him too.

In the lunch break, Valt was all by himself staring out of the window. It seemed as if he was super sad and he could cry any moment. Shu spotted him and leaned on a nearby wall near Valt.

Seeing him, Valt was about to leave but Shu pulled his wrist. "Hey wait! I'm sorry!" His wrist still hurt. "Ouch!" He winced in pain.

Shu immediately let go. "I'm so sorry!" Valt smiled softly. "It's okay." Shu looked at him and was mesmerized by his sweet smile.

Shu them answered to all his questions one by one which he had asked him yesterday. "So that's all! I hope I didn't miss any question."

Valt giggled softly and was very happy. "You missed the last one. Would you like to be friends?"

Shu smiled at this and it was after many years that he was smiling. He happily agreed and nodded his head.

Valt gave a blushing smile and shook his hands happily but Shu didn't mind it at all.

While going home, it was raining. Shu had an umbrella and was all ready to go but it was then that he saw Valt playing in the rain.

Valt was enjoying a lot. Shu felt his heart melt away by the view but he then heard him sneeze cutely.

Valt was still enjoying when he felt a cover on his eyes. He opened his eyes and saw Shu holding him under his umbrella.

"Want me to leave you till the bus even though you're all wet." He chuckled while Valt nodded giving him an embarrassed smile.

He was happy and was blushing at the same time as he loved Shu's company now. He thought to himself, 'I knew he was nice from inside'.

Both of them sat beside each other in the bus. Others were shocked to see Shu happy after so many days or years.

"Hi Valt!" It was the same guy from earlier. "Hi!" He sat on the other side of him. Shu was busy staring out of the window.

"He looks so changed. Why did you do?" Valt blushed not knowing what to say. "He whispered into his ears.

"I didn't do anything but I already told you right that he's still kind and sweet from inside."

"You're really great." When he had left, Valt turned around to look at Shu but it was then that he felt quite cold. "Aachhoo!!"

Valt was shivering. "You okay?" Shu was a bit worried for him. Valt was already completely wet so he quickly took out his jacket which was almost soaked up in water.

"I-i fe-eel co-old!" Shu didn't know what to do so he softly hugged him in order to keep him warm.

Valt was feeling a bit better now. He slowly cuddled him and smiled softly. "It feels so warm and cosy." Shu chuckled at his cuteness.

'And I promise to keep you this way.'

Valt was fast asleep now still hugging Shu. Others were busy with their own stuff. He found it a good opportunity.

He lifted his wet jacket and covered their faces with it and kissed him softly on his lips. He gave a peck on his cheeks and rested his chin on his head.

'Valt, you've definitely become someone special for me and from now on I promise you that I'll take care of you every moment of your life.'

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