Welcome to the jungle

Start from the beginning

"Probably the reason it's out here. I dunno. I don't even know why he has a bunker." Chosen struggles to keep an eye on where Dark is ahead, his vision becoming blocked by flora. "Dammit."

Chosen then suddenly starts running, hurdling over and ducking under obstructions while still maintaining the fire in his left hand.

The three other stick figure's eyes widen as they pause for a moment. One by one they all start running after Chosen, trying to stay in the area of the light from his fire powers.

"Hey Chosen, wait up!" Second beckons. Chosen is obviously more skilled in agility and speed, but the others are keeping up just fine too with Purple and Blue ahead of Second. Chosen then grabs hold of a nearby low hanging tree branch and swings himself upwards. As his feet hit the side of another large tree, he propels himself off it and lands skillfully just at the end of a small pond, doing a backflip in the process.

Second and the others pause for a moment. "Damn, thats a big jump." Purple says, blinking cluelessly at Chosen, who is now way ahead.

"Oh come on guys, it's nothing." Blue scoffs and grins. He builds up all this confidence and stretches a bit.

"Oh here we go." Second says, raising his eyebrows sarcastically at Blue.

Blue cracks his neck, lets out a breath and then takes off. He grabs the tree branch! He swings upwards-! And he goes plummeting into the pond. "AHH-"

Chosen looks behind him with a surprised expression. He raises an eyebrow and smiles slightly with amusement as he sees Blue surface from the muddy pond water, covered in algae, mud, and a frog on his head that leaps off with a "Ribbet".

Chosen chuckles and walks to the edge of the pond. He kneels down and holds out a hand for Blue. "Need some help?"

Blue stammers and sighs, taking Chosen's hand and hoisting himself out of the thick pond water.

Purple then also comes plummeting down into the pond, not being able to see where to grab hold of a branch in the dark of the night. "SHIT-" the sound of a loud splash and his yelling catches Chosen and Blue's attention.

Second then also comes falling, as he manages to propel himself off the side of the last tree, but just doesn't make it to the end of the pond. "NOOO-" splash

Chosen and Blue laugh, filled with amusement from Purple and Second's frustrated and embarrassed faces.


"Right soldiers! This is your training! We're in the wild now, and i'm your leader, Sergeant Lord. You follow me, and DO NOT-"

Everyone stiffens up, except for Victim.

"-under any circumstances, leave this group. DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

"Yes Sergeant!"

"Good. Now, we move forward! FOLLOW ME!" Dark begins treading through the densely overgrown landscape. He grabs a small dagger like knife from his inner trenchcoat pocket, pulling it out and slicing through obstructing plants.

Red raises an eyebrow. "Do you just carry a knife everywhere you go?"


"Does the knife thing carry forward to the bedroom-?" Victim smugly asks.

"WHAT THE FUCK VIC!?" Dark stops walking, looking back at Victim with a bewildered but amused expression.

"Well, does it?"

"Shut. Up. AND KEEP WALKING!!" Dark scowls, grumbling to himself as he continues walking through the bushy landscape.

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