Advice from a lady

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Disclaimer: the word "Lord" in this chapter does not refer to catholic or any other religious beliefs.


"I have a fucking bunker."

Chosen's expression goes from confused to perplexed. "You have a what?"

"I. Have. A. Bunker. Over near one of my test stations."

"WHAT!?? AND YOU'VE NEVER TOLD ME THIS!??" Chosen stands up in a fit of conflicted emotions.


"Wife him up." Victim remarks, gnawing on a slice of baguette after he puts his phone away.

Chosen scoffs and rolls his eyes while Dark looks to the side with a "Tch".

Everyone else at the dining table either looks at the two men with amusement, bewilderment, or a mixture of both.

Chosen then forcefully pushes his chair backwards and stands up, walking over to a nearby window. He peers out the window, inspecting the landscape in view, searching for any signs of life. Then, a small group of people emerge from a distant forest opening, distressed, panicked, injured and scared. "Shit..." Chosen mutters with surprise.

"What is it?" Second asks, standing up to walk over to the window as well.

"A group of survivors, over near the forest."

"Oh wow, lucky them." Dark remarks with amusement. "Not dead yet."

Chosen scowls. "You say that almost like you created the damn virus."

Now Dark scowls. "I already told you, I didn't." he says with a low and frustrated tone.

They glare at each other from across the room, uneasy tension rising once more.

"I'm seriously getting a headache from you two." Victim groans, burying his face into his hands. "One second you're flirting, the next you're fighting."

Chosen rolls his eyes at Victim's comment. "Hey Dark." he sighs.

"Yep?" Dark scoffs.

"Where's that bunker?"


"What do you mean it didn't work!?" he slams his hand down on the workbench angrily.

"R-reports say it didn't work sir." the younger boy stutters.

"Fucking elaborate. What were the reports on!?" he snarls, his voice raising.

"A-all monitored individuals w-were successfully infected, b-but turned into deformed specimens."

"What do you mean deformed?" he walks closer to the boy, scowling menacingly.

The boy takes a few steps back. "Lanky, t-terrifying, u-um." he stumbles over his words as he's backed against a wall, quivering with fear.

"I ask you to bring back results...good results..." he grins maliciously with his sharp teeth, pointy like daggers.

The boy jumps a bit as a finger-like claw grates across the stone wall next to his head. He gulps nervously. "S-sir, I can g-get the laboratory t-to look over the virus again."

"Do that, quickly. Run along now." he sneers, taking his hand away from the wall and walking out of the room with a stride.

The younger male sighs shakily with relief, catching his breath that he was apparently holding in. He leans against the wall for a minute, calming himself to the best of his ability.

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