It's coming from the skyyy!!!

227 7 8

//Grass field outside testing station no. 2//

Suddenly, a loud piercing screech echos through the sky, making all stick figures raise their head. Sounds of electrical static and glass shattering erupts through the air as the dome sky of the Outernet flickers and wavers. Large streaks of ultramarine crack through the sky, the source being Alan's PC.

A lump forms in Yellow's throat as he recognises the virus amalgamation from before, fixing his glasses to properly take a look at it.

"uhh...what the HELL GUYS!!??" Green's eyes widen, his stomach churning with dread. His mind instantly panics about the thought of Purple, who lives here in the Outernet, his heart beating with worry.

"We need to get to Chosen and Dark, NOW!" Second commands, casting a serious and worried look towards the group.

Blue's eyes cast back up to the sky, noticing something. "Wait, guys! What's that stuff!?"

Glitchy ultramarine particles start floating down through the air towards the ground, like snowflakes drifting through snowy air yet looking awfully deadly.

Yellow's eyebrows furrow. "I don't know but i'd rather not stick around to find out." With that he grabs Blue's hand firmly with protection, soft with care. "Let's get to shelter!" He beckons for everyone else to follow as he runs to the nearest shelter, pulling Blue along with him.

Panicked and heavy running footsteps stomp the damp grass as five teenage stick figures sprint to shelter, their breaths heavy, their hearts racing. The heavy smog continues falling from the sky, infiltrating the digital air.

"QUICK!!" Second yells with worry as Red makes it as the last one through the metal door, slamming it shut behind him with force. Heavy breaths fill the room as they shelter themselves in the small testing station of The Dark Lord's, just on the edge of the cliff that overhangs the ocean. The wall is boarded up to cover an old hole created by the fight in AvA5, by Chosen and Dark.

The five friend's eyes cast to the wide viewing window that directs towards the ocean, watching with wide eyes as purply-blue particles fall through the air.

"...what is this...?" Second's voice croaks out quietly with distress and concern.

Green goes and leans against the back concrete wall, looking down. He pulls out his reception. His heart stings with worry, his loyalty beckoning him. "...what about Purple..." he mutters under his breath, his voice slight shaky.

Everyone looks at Green, processing the same thought.

"Can you message him?" Yellow suggests, also feeling quite worried.

"No reception..." Green raises his head to look at him, his expression solemn.

"The air density must be too thick...Whatever that stuff is, it's interfering with the WIFI" Blue continues looking out the window, pondering to himself while trying not to panic out of his skin.

Yellow steps over to the only computer in the room. The Dark Lord's console, well, his old one back three years ago when ruleling the world was an idea. Yellow's finger presses down gently on the cold surface of the ON button, waiting for the screen to awaken. As the green coding-like screen brightens to visibility, Yellow gets to work. His fingers dance across the old dusted keys as he guesses the password correctly just like last time in AvA5.

The others turn their attention to Yellow, curiosity peaked.

"What are you doing?" Red walks over next to Yellow, his gaze focusing on the screen.

"I can email Dark through this. Hopefully he'll be at his computer"

"I thought there was no reception?" Second raises an eyebrow.

"Correct, there is none, i'm emailing him through something else; another network used by hackers."

"Still, wouldn't you need internet for that?" Blue leans against the desk, watching as Yellow types into the computer relentlessly.

"Nope. Underground network, runs through computerised nodes accessed through hacking portals" Yellow smirks, his eyes glimmering with pride as he turns towards everyone after hitting "send" on his email.

Everyone blinks, utterly confused by the words Yellow is throwing at them.

//Outside the house//

Chosen flies through the sky when he's interrupted by the display of the sky having a seizure. His eyebrow's furrow, processing the situation. His mind then snaps; the colour gang. He speeds down through the sky, his fire blasting in the air from his palms, thrusting his body against air drag. He spins his body in a narrow movement, gaining speed through the air. He swerves around trees, ducking and dodging. When he gets to the open grass field where Dark's old testing station is, his attention is turned to the sky as he's taken to a halt. The smog dripping from the deformed sky like sleeping gas. He scowls and blasts his fire, thrusting himself into flying once more.

//testing station//

Yellow's pride is washed away when a striking sound of fire and thunder roars overhead. Another loud sound, like a shield being scrapped by a sword. The group of five perk up, listening.

Second grins, hope returning. "Chosen?"

//The house//

Dark sighs and he plops down in his chair, his eyes too focused on the screen of his computer to look outside his study window, the sky fogging with ultramarine.

He taps the end of his pen against his bottom lip as he thinks, jotting down design ideas for his latest project onto a notepad on his desk.

The sound of an email notification distracts him as he looks up from his pen and paper. His narrow, dark eyes scan the messenger of the email.


He opens the email, his screen turning to black with dark green lines. Lines of code cover the screen with a small section designed for text.




[[SENDER]]; "There's an unknown virus. It's taken over Alan's PC so we had to evacuate. Now it's done something to the Outernet and the sky is fogged with weird ultramarine particles. Get your ass over here RIGHT NOW"

SENT; (12:43PM SAT)


"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me" Dark mutters under his breath, his expression tensing.


sorry if this part came later than the last. I don't have a set schedule for publishing chapters.

Have a nice day or night <3

Outernet.exe: VirusWhere stories live. Discover now