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Hello everyone  I am shanaya singhania this is story about me I am from a rich and very reputed family and about  my parents my father is one in top 3 ricest person  of country and top 10 in world and mother is cabinet minister . And about me I am youngest  spy in the world now you all would be thinking why I am spy when I am so rich and have so powerful  family ... so I very inspired by my grandparents  parents of my mom they both served  in army and are one of the most decorated  officer  (decorated officer are those who have won so may medals ) and from very young  age I was sure that I will serve my nation.

When I was born we  shifted to London  so that my mom and dad could complete  there studies my mom was doing her phd in politics  science  and dad was doing masters in business. But now they have completed  their masters and phd so we ard going back toh our country .

I used to study in most expensive  school of London  where only elite people can study and I am very smart I have iq of 205 and physical  also I strong I think I got this genes from my grandparents. 

So in my school in london each and every child  has to choose  a combat sports so that they and fit and they can protect them selef in any situation so I choosed boxing.So let me tell you that I didn't choose boxing because  I was interested  I choosed it because  I thought  it was easy as I went for trial classes  of muay thai , kung fu , kickboxing , Tai chi and other out of which I found judo and boxing easy but I thought  that judo was boring so I choosed boxing. Did I tell you that with iq 205 and good physical  fitness  I am also so lazy person ? I think I didn't  so now you know why I choose boxing . But this was the biggest misconception  of my life because  they were going easy so that many children  will join... bloody cheaters.

So whatever now I am learning boxing and it is to difficult  but "I can do it".

About my friend  I  have many friends as I love socialising and I have two best friends  hannah and miley they both are just like me they both also are so much interested  in military  stuff and harry potter yupp I am a potter head .

But I am little bit sad now as we are moving back to our country . Not because  I  don't  like but I will miss my friends ,neighbours and donuts shop owner  she always  give me free chocolate  and cake . But let me tell you I don't  like donut no I am  not from any other planet  I am from earth only .

Author  note

Hope you like it I will update  soon so please wait and I am sorry for spelling  error and grammatical  errors and vote for me ❤🤗

Young SpyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora