Twenty Four: Plans.

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Will sat on the couch pouting,his lips were red and swollen. Alex didn't spare him for thirty minutes, anytime Alex would stop it turned out to be a short break to breath, Alex just lay him on the couch comfortably to take advantage of him and bite his lips but Will was happy too,he didn't hate it but enjoyed every minute of it and left his own marks on Alex's lips too. Will felt proud that's why he wasn't angry just sat there sulking abit.

Alex sat beside him working on the laptop,he would sometime check on Will then immense himself in work.

Will tried to pay attention to the television but kept distracted by Alex's handsome profile, Will took his phone and sneakily took pictures of the handsome fellow who saw him and smiled. Everything was better than any of them had imagined which made Alex nervous and scared.

When he got Catherine she was perfect at every angle. Everything was progressing happily like now,they had a son,fell in love,at least his side, planned for marriage no distractions or problems people addressed them as a pair made in heaven but it was just a carefully calculated situationship.
Alex feels love earned so easily is not real yet here he is. In Love.

Alex eyes drifted to Will,he was smiling at his phone 'probably the pictures he took of me.' Alex smiled, Alex didn't mind being loved for his money he ain't planning on going bankrupt anytime soon, not for his name either, Watford might mean power to everyone but as long as it's Alex Watford his partner loves then no problem either but if its just to take advantage or make a fool out of him then he will severe ties with that person without thinking twice.

"Will do you love my money?" Alex asked abruptly then cussed.

"Yes." Will answered smiling at him.

Alex was waiting for just kidding but it didn't come. He stared at Will before Will laughed.

"What do you think Alex,of course I love your money,its your hard earned money, you are a CEO,you make billions annually or something on those lines, I love Alex and I also love your money coz its also part of you not unless you plan on going bankrupt tommorow,no worries I can take care of you and Junior then you can love me and my money. Okay?" Will replied and went back to his phone.

Alex smirked, sighed then again its Will he is everything but a lier.
"Are you planning on going bankrupt?" Will suddenly asked.

Alex shook his head knitting his brows.

Will sighed."Tell me first before you decide, am still taking care of my mom,till she is safe and sound like better than now you can go bankrupt trying to prove if my love is real." Will finished up.

"Your mom is sick." Alex asked worriedly.

"Not anymore,she was diagnosed with liver Cancer before I got a job here, I was taking care of her but then I had to move,its not that am poor it's still abit tight on money but soon she won't have to go for check ups so up to then please be patient." Will narrated smiling reassuringly at Alex.

"Do you need help? I can get the best doctors and nurses just tell me..."

"No longer afraid of me loving your money not you?" Will interrupted raising a brow.

"I don't mind if you do,am rich not loving my money is disrespecting me my money and my job." Alex said hugging Will whose attention was still on his phone.

"Good, am not Cathie that second class leech, don't ever put me in her level. Got it!" Will warned.

"I never have. Just thinking too much don't take it to heart." Alex said stealing a glance at Will's phone. "What are you doing?"

"Creating trouble." Will smiled. "Actually, am photo shopping our photos for the group."

"You can just take a picture of both of us no need to go through so much."

"I know, but then they will begin to question,after they find its real. I don't want problems before we even become an actual couple."

"Then hurry up and accept me. Then you won't have to go through this." Alex urged.

"How about we first work on our insecurities, you are afraid I might be fake and am afraid am clueless about parenting. We get through that first then I will become your boyfriend." Will responded seriously as he patt Alex's hands which were still hugging him.

"Okay."  "You are insecure about Junior, you don't have to be. He loves you and I know you will be an amazing Dad or Mom."

"I will believe it when I see it."

"If you say this to my mom,she will say 'if Alex did it so can you dear'." Alex smiled.

"You did a great job." Will praised.

"Yeah, well then why don't you move in." Alex added slyly after sighing.



"Because its too early, I will be visiting when necessary."

"How about this weekend I have a meeting till Sunday noon I usually leave Junior with Mom and Dad or take him along but since you want time with him you can take care of him in the weekend,he is very obedient and mature. Then you can put your mind at ease. How is that?"

"Like tomorrow?"

"Yes! Too soon?" Alex asked so as not to impose.

"Just not sure if am healthy enough to be around others. But if today's results show am fine then yes. Why not?" Will agreed as Alex traced kisses on his face.

It was already lunch time and the bodyguards delivered food for them.

After lunch Will had a check up and everything seemed fine. Before it was time to get Junior from school Will excused himself for a while.

"Will? How are you? How is does it feel to be taken care by your crush? Are you guys official? I gave you both enough time you better be!" Eli begun questioning the moment Will entered the cafe.

"I thought you forgot me." Will pouted.

"I hate being a third wheel. So?"

"Hey Will, you better answer she ain't letting it go." Charlie added as Eli nodded energetically.

Will moved to the side with Eli and told her everything, by the time he was done everyone in the cafe was looking at them. Eli was screaming like a fan girl every minute grabbing Will's sweater asking for more even after being fully updated.
"Can you first answer my complaints then squirm later."
Will complained as Eli didn't seem to pay attention to his concerns only listened to the sweet,hot, romantic and fluffy stuff.

"I think its a great idea it means you are both progressing to the right direction. Its for the best both of you gets their own piece of mind. Right you should hurry its almost time for Junior to leave school. " Eli adviced happily.

"See you on Sunday evening." Will bid her good bye and to Charlie too.

As he left the Cafe Charlie went to all smiley Eli.
"Happy to get a new son in law ?"

"Estatic!" She said hugging Charlie happily.


Thank you so much@nontobeko063 for the votes really appreciated.

Thank you lovies❤️

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