Twelve: Happy birthday

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Saturday morning, this is the most important day in Alex life,if not for today his life would have no meaning,if eight years ago such a day never happened, today he would be in a club drunk but here he was.
"Happy birthday son." He said to his son softly.
"Happy birthday to you dad." Junior added.

"Funny" he chuckled.

"No seriously today is way more important to you than me, so it should be your birthday."

"If you say so, wake up its 7am you told me to wake you up. What are you planning?" He asked.

"Nothing dad, since I know you won't let us go jogging today I decided to wake, take breakfast, prepare before grandma and grandpa come and others too." He said rubbing his eyes.

"You don't have to worry about anything everything is prepared, others will arrive from 11am but yeah mom and dad will be here soon. Wait,will you tell me what you want as a present?"

"Not yet!" Junior said kissing his dad on the cheek and leaving for the bathroom. Everywhere the mansion was booming with people some setting the stage, others ensuring the machines and games were working properly,the catering team was doing the finishing touches the meals, snacks were ready and everything else was running smoothly. Junior dressed up in comfortable clothes since the day was going to be messy and fun. He had breakfast with Alex who wouldn't stop spoiling him, carrying him rubbing his cheeks, messing his hair, hugging him after ten minutes, smiling at him every minute, taking his pictures every now and then,he was over possessive today than other days.

Junior smiled at his dad's actions,he knew his father loved him more than anything and he also did, Junior spent his younger days with his dad he barely knew his mom,each time he remembered his mom it came with a sad memory, like when he was five, his mom took him to a park,he was so happy but she didn't pay attention to him then a man took him away,he doesn't remember but he woke up with his Dad in the hospital, another time on his sixth birthday,she brought him a present but then she took money from Dad's vault and she didn't see her till his other birthday,she asked him to ask Dad for money and she would stay with them, Junior innocently did so but she left for another long time. When teacher Will came to teach he explained that some family have one mom or one dad or a mom and a dad or two moms or two dads. Junior understood that his family had only him and his dad maybe grandma, grandpa, auntie and Uncle.

After he told his dad that,he saw his dad sad but he didn't know why,he was happy with just him and dad.
  Some weeks later mom came back but to them Junior only had one family dad so, when mom left again he wasn't sad instead he felt happy because whenever mom was there they were both sad. When mom appeared again last time Junior thought Dad would let stay like he usually did  but she didn't come back so he was very happy,its not that he didn't want a mom but maybe another one that makes them both happy.

"I love you Dad." He smiled at his father who hugged him so tightly he couldn't breath.
"I love you too."

"What about me." A sweet voice asked.
"Grandma." Jolly little boy called. He want jumping on his grandma not considering her age. "Oh! My big birthday boy I almost didn't recognize you what has he been feeding you?" The older woman asked she might have grown older but her face was just as radiant as a thirty years old.

"Am not that big, Grandpa? I missed you so much." Junior said hugging the old man seated on the wheel chair. He was in his early fifties but he looked strong except for his legs. This was a story known by everyone, Mr Watford the senior had a car accident five years ago,he was in a comma for two years before he woke up but he was half paralyzed. Netizens say it was competitors work but there was no evidence hence it was left as an accident.

"Mom,Dad good morning" Alex greeted his parents.
"No hug" asked the madam.
Alex chuckled and joined in the hug. Many people think that their relationship was broken since there was barely news of them together but that was their own conclusions. Alex and his parents relationship was like other families,they loved each other also fought but still united.

"Where is my present?" Junior asked happily.
"Its here happy birthday." Grandma said taking from a servant and handed it to him.
"Its big,what is it?" He asked getting ready to open, Alex was about to stop him but Junior had already peeled the gift open.

"A drone,so cool,you are the best I mean thank you I love you grandpa and grandma." He hugged them both going back to his gift.
"This kid,he has matured so fast something we could never do." Grandpa said.
"Dad am right here."

"I know, you are only mature in front of people, but here, woe to us." He teased

"Mom,help here,am mature am a great dad, great president and brother." He boasted.

"How about you think of yourself too, your happiness matters too." She advised.

"Mom am happy. I don't need anyone plus Junior and I agreed to that in case I ever like even think of that he will be the first one to know and if he doesn't like them I won't be with them."

"You have matured." She said hugging his son who was seated next to her.

"Good morning senior Boss, madam and Alex. Everything is ready. The geust will start arriving in thirty minutes." Mel announced.

"Let the party begin." Senior Watford smiled.

"Is she invited?" The madam asked.

"No" Alex said it loud and clear.

Sorry guys,if it feels like am dragging the story but the characters need other people like family and friends hence I am just intoducing the important people in their lives.
Do also forgive me for any errors or wrong spellings.

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