Eighteen: Will's elder sister and mother's wish

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Will left school for the cafe,he felt amazing putting that woman to her place. So satisfying. The moment he entered the cafe he went straight to Eli and smirked at her.
"What did you do?" She asked calling an employee to take her place at the register.

"Put the villianess to her rightful place. Can you believe Alex ex had the nerve to come up on me and trash talk me. I shushed her loud mouth, the look on her face was priceless." He explained smirking.

"Amazing! Finally you did something, I mean someone had to put that wh*re to her place. Am so proud. Free coffee from now on." Eli remarked proudly.

"Babe? I drink coffee here for free! But why do you seem....to ruin her life? You seriously hate her? Do you know her personally?" Will asked after much thought.

"No. I just hate women who are blessed to have a gift of a child but instead of cherishing, protecting, providing and raising their children they run off with money and ugly men." She sighed. "I can't stand her. "

Will looked at Eli recognizing the emptiness in her eyes. He felt his chest pain of course he understood her pain and sympathized with her.

Eli has had two miscourages. He has seen her tears, her helplessness and the trauma is painful. Eli almost gave up on her marriage, luckily she has a supportive, understanding and patient husband he knows it's not a one party problem in marriage, if something happens both parties are to blame. Charlie has never blamed her, never raised his hands on her when she was traumatized, instead he stood with her all the way until today.
(Where are they)

Eli saw the look on Will's face. "Hey? Put that look away,its ugly. Am not giving up yet am still young plus Charlie and I decided if we aren't blessed we will adopt three siblings and raise them." She said passionately.

Her eyes drifted to her husband, Charlie was tall, quite skinny but strong man,he was quiet, handsome, candy eye man. He had his way that made her special but mostly is his eyes, whenever others mostly women talked to him his eyes were blank and tired like they were troubling him,but whenever his eyes caught hers they had a spark and warmth that blanketed her from the world's negativity, he gave her all his attention,he was a great listener and cook. He might not be rich but the most reliable man she always dreamt of having.

Sometimes she feels really guilty, like she isn't good enough,she felt she had only one job be a great wife and mother of their children but she might fail that too. When she lost her second four months pregnant child she broke down,her mind lost all hope,she self depresiated and depression took over,she pushed Charlie away hoping he would find happiness elsewhere,she cried in her room for a month. Charlie didn't disturb her and she thought he actually moved on, when she was on her bottom he did the unexpected he took her out showed her this beautiful"ELI RISE CAFE." Apparently he thought it's great to spend the children budget to make her dreams come true. He promised his life was to make her happy and whenever she fell he would always be there to pick her dust her off and continue their journey.

Of course she has to guard her love, now she is known as the jealous wife no woman dares look or smile at Charlie or their hair will wash this whole cafe.
She and Charlie have not lost hope yet,the doctor said they should keep trying no one knows what blessing might come next.

"Am not pitying you I just feel like the luckiest man to have an elder sister like you." Will smiled genuinely.

"You should feel so. Was Alex there when..."

"No. He had just left."

"That's good. He might misunderstand and think you just pretend to be nice." Eli explained her point of view.

"Do you think Alex likes the cute, sweet, obedient kind lovers?" Will asked suddenly,he has been acting quite considerate in front of him.

"Don't know, maybe, maybe not I wouldn't know he has been single for so long that we lost all hope." Eli answered flatly.

"We?" Will questioned.

"Er...his fandom am part of that." She stated smiling awkwardly.

"Me too am part of AlexWill fandom,those guys have crazy ideas of us my favorite is when Alex carries me on his arms in front of Catherine and those arrogant and jealous people,kiss me and we ride away in the sunset." He explained smiling dreamingly.

"That won't happen if all you do is say good morning and good night to each other, make a move or what are you waiting for?"

As they were talking it was past six evening and Will's phone begun ringing.
"Hello Mom? Are you sick! Did your pain relapse?" Will asked worriedly.

"What? Am not allowed to call my son or miss him?" The sweet voice with a hint of weakness asked.

"That's not what I meant,of course you can call anytime just didn't expect a call today. I also missed you alot."

"Good, actually I called because I want a favor."

"What is wrong?  Dave isn't there." Will asked

"Oh my hot boyfriend is seated here. Actually I want grandchildren. Even if its one."

Will got chocked by his own saliva as Eli begun laughing.
"Mom did you loose your memory? You do remember am gay right?" He questioned seriously. He was not ready to come out to his mother the second time.

"I know son but that doesn't mean you can't raise or adopt children am not reducing my standard for grandkids because you are gay,am getting old I want grandkids,no worries I can take care of them." She said reassuringly.

"How about you take care of your health first then we will talk about this later." He said trying to escape as Eli got more closer to listen in.

"But son you are going to be 25 soon you don't even have a boyfriend,do you want my help I know this gay dating app..."

"Mom, I am young. I already have someone I like."

"That's good. Does he plan on raising a family? If not my offer still stands." She offered.

Eli couldn't help her laughter as everyone in the cafe stared at her making Will feel more embarrassed.
"He already has one."

"Great! You always have a good taste. When will I meet him? What's his name?? Is the child cute? Gender? Does he like cashmere sweaters? Am already making some." She bombered him happily.

"Mom I have to go but I will bring them soon, I promise take care of yourself and Eli says hi." Will ended the call looking at Eli with desperation.
"Mom wants a son- in- law and grandchild."

"Wow! Why does that sound like two people I know of. The big question is are you ready to be a dad?" She said eying him.

Will smiled warmly.

Then all over a sudden his smile went down.
"I don't know? I never thought I do love Junior but I never actually considered it seriously . If I date Alex I have to be a dad. Shit! What if I can't?" Panicking Will looked up at Eli who tried calming him telling him telling him Parenthood cannot be forced it comes naturally.


' if I can't take care of Junior then there will be no difference between me and that clown.'

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