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With Sunday offering a temporary escape from the monotony of school, Shrimaan decided to make the most of the free time by joining his friends for some outdoor fun. After a hearty lunch, he seized the opportunity, peering cautiously to ensure his father was deeply engrossed in his afternoon nap.

Satisfied that he wouldn't be caught, Shrimaan swiftly grabbed his bicycle and made his way out of the house, the promise of adventure beckoning him. But just as he stepped through the main gate, his plans were abruptly halted by the unexpected sight of Vanshika standing before him, her expression seething with anger.

Confused and caught off guard, Shrimaan's eyes widened in disbelief as he stammered, "What?"

Vanshika, her resolve unwavering, pivoted on her heel and marched a few steps back toward her house. With determined purpose, she retrieved a half-filled bouquet of water, her glare fixed firmly on Shrimaan.

Turning back to face him, she held the makeshift weapon aloft, her voice laced with accusation as she demanded, "Shri, spill the truth. Unless, of course, this 'gift' is for you."

Feeling exposed and vulnerable, Shrimaan instinctively sought refuge behind his bicycle, a feeble attempt at defense against the impending onslaught. "What are you doing? Hey, put that water down," he urged. 

Undeterred by Shrimaan's feeble attempts to evade her questions, Vanshika closed the distance between them, her determination palpable with each step she took forward. "Tell me, why didn't you come for dinner last night?" she demanded, her voice laced with an edge of frustration.

Backing away instinctively, Shrimaan dragged his bike along with him, his mind scrambling for a plausible explanation. "Listen, calm down. Just... I wasn't hungry. And besides... Papa was there, so..." he mumbled, his words trailing off as he struggled to articulate his reasoning.

But Vanshika wasn't buying it. Narrowing her eyes in suspicion, she pressed on, her tone accusatory. "You spent the money Uncle gave you for the book on that skirt, right?" she prodded, her gaze unwavering.

Caught off guard and unable to formulate a coherent response, Shrimaan's eyes widened in panic as he stuttered, "N-no. No. I bought something-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Vanshika acted swiftly, tipping the bouquet of water over him with precision. Shrimaan gasped in shock as the cold water soaked him entirely, leaving him drenched and sputtering in disbelief.

"H-hey!" he protested indignantly, but Vanshika had already turned on her heel and was striding purposefully toward her house, leaving him standing there in a puddle of water and frustration.

With a resigned sigh and a lingering glare directed at Vanshika's retreating form, Shrimaan's shoulders slumped in defeat as he realized there was little he could do to salvage the situation.

The next morning, as school began, Shrimaan made a concerted effort to avoid any run-ins with Vanshika. He knew he couldn't afford to stir up trouble, especially with Vanu in her current angry state. Why she was angry with him, he couldn't fathom. After all, he had only been trying to help. But nope, she decided to thank him by drenching him with water. Fantastic!

Determined to steer clear of the next-door lioness, Shrimaan wolfed down his breakfast in record time and hopped on his bike earlier than usual. Fear of encountering Vanshika in her enraged state propelled him forward without waiting for her. As he pedaled along the quiet street, a sense of relief washed over him. Maybe he'd managed to dodge a bullet this time.

But his moment of peace was short-lived when a familiar voice shattered the silence. "Hey! Shri!" Shrimaan's heart sank as he recognized the voice. Vanshika!

Instinctively, he picked up the pace, hoping to outrun her. But in a matter of seconds, she had overtaken him. Breathless and determined, she implored him to stop. Shrimaan shook his head defiantly, refusing to comply.

Undeterred, Vanshika waved her handle, and for a split second, Shrimaan feared she was about to ram her bike into his. Panic surged through him, and he hit the brakes hard, coming to an abrupt halt and glaring at her accusingly. "What's wrong with you?! You wanna kill me?"

Standing next to him, Vanshika shrugged off his accusation with a carefree laugh. "Don't give me ideas," she retorted, her playful tone belying the mischief in her eyes. Shrimaan could only gasp in disbelief as she chuckled in his face.

He sighed, calming his racing nerves. "Okay, what is it this time?" he asked, resigned to whatever trouble she had in store.

She fell silent for a moment before speaking. "I know you spent your money for me. Uncle yelled at you because of me. But, I won't give that money back to you. Because firstly, I didn't borrow from you, and secondly, I don't think you did me a favor. Did you?" He avoided her eyes and shook his head. She smiled softly. "Thank you," she said.

He gasped playfully, feigning shock. "Wh-what did you just say?" 

She cleared her throat, rolling her eyes. "Thank you, Shrimaan," she repeated.

He fell silent, her words sinking in. Then she smiled at him. "You're really my best friend," she said.

He rolled his eyes with a scoff. "Best friend," he mocked.

She narrowed her eyes playfully, and then they started their ride together. After a moment, she spoke again. "Sorry about yesterday. I was a bit... edgy."

He shook his head. "It's okay. It's absolutely normal. Although Papa always acts tough, but during my mom's time of the month... he does some household chores. He even cooks."

She laughed. "Really?"

He laughed and nodded. "Mom says it's usually a sensitive time for women, so men should be careful about it."

She cringed a bit. "You talk about it with your mom?"

He shrugged. "What's wrong with it? The menstrual process of women is full of amazement. The damaged cells discharge–"

She interrupted quickly. "That's enough. I got it. You're a biology genius."

He chuckled. "All I'm saying is - women's bodies are filled with mysteries. God has created your body in some unique way. You have a superpower, you know?"

She looked at him for an answer. He glanced at her with a smile, then looked ahead. "You can create a new life inside your body. That's the biggest power God has installed in you. That's why, don't feel nauseous about these kinds of natural cycles."

She smiled inwardly, realizing he was right. She did have a superpower of creating lives.

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