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Months had passed and you and Alastor had been honing your power, practicing your skills with your abilities in the radio tower (which Alastor, of course, took the time to repair). You both had dreams to become more influential in Hell, become the most powerful and feared Overlords of them all — which, you already were, which meant it was time for step two.

But climbing the hierarchy of Hell was not your concern at the moment.

"Smells good," you smiled as you waltzed into the kitchen, hair tied into a low, loose bun. Your black ribbons were tied lazily around your ears, and you were clad in your pajamas — one of Alastor's maroon button downs and some comfy sweatpants you found in your bottom drawer.

You walked over to him, planting a kiss on his cheek. You got on your tip toes, hands on his shoulders for support, and peered over him curiously. The greased pan sizzled, sending a delicious aroma wafting into your nostrils.

You groaned, recognizing the dish.

"Jambalaya again?"

Alastor chuckled, adjusting his monocle. He graciously placed down his utensil on the counter, allowing the food to cook as he turned to look at you, ears folded. He smiled gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "You know it's my favorite, my dear! Couldn't pass up on a chance to follow my mother's recipe."

"For the millionth time," you added, rolling your eyes. You shook your head. "Seriously, sugar, you've fed me enough jambalaya for a lifetime." You tilted your head, grinning. "Why not some soup beans and potatoes instead? I don't think I've ever made it for you."

"Tomorrow night's supper, my love," said Alastor, planting a quick kiss on your forehead. You watched as he departed from you, sauntering over to the threshold of the kitchen and peering out. You waited as he did so, and once he was finished searching for God-knows-what, he stepped back into the kitchen with a jaunt and a mischievous grin.

"Everyone's gone," he sung, slithering up to you in the shadows, teleporting. His yellow grin was broad, his eyes slim with desire. "Why don't we kill some time before dinner, hm?"

You flushed, looking anywhere but at him. He grabbed your chin gently, turning your face to look at him. You furrowed your brows.

Then, in the blink of an eye, he had you bent over the counter.

You yelped in surprise, face scorching hot. "Alastor!" you scolded.

He giggled in your ear, and took your arm, bringing your bicep to his mouth. He planted soft, loving butterfly kissed up your arms to your neck, making you shiver.

He opened his mouth on your skin, his teeth grazing your neck.

"Or I could have you for dinner.."

You smirked, amused yet flustered by his behavior, and swiftly and smoothly flipped around, grabbing him harshly by his collar and bringing him to your face.

"Tomorrow night's supper, my love," you purred, mocking Alastor, using his own words against him. You released him with a soft shove, walking over to the fridge. You opened the door, staring into the abyss and pulling out a carton of blood to drink.

You moved past a still Alastor, who was still staring down at you with lustful, hungry eyes, and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. Just before you were about to pour your drink, however, you heard soft jazz music playing through the kitchen.

You turned over, and Alastor was leaning flirtatiously on the counter by his elbow, an old, vintage style radio that had appeared onto the counter by his hand playing music that reverberated through the empty kitchen.

You giggled, endeared. You dropped what you were doing and turned to look at him with a raised brow. "And what's this?"

Alastor grinned, coming towards you, towering over you. Your stomach filled with butterflies when he spoke with his seductive, enchanting radio-static rasp. He took on a slight country accent to add to the entertainment.

"May I have this dance, Miss Kitty?"

You smiled, taking his hand. "You may, Alastor."

And you danced with him to the sound of jazz, enveloped by desire, lust, and even a little hate, and it made you love him even more, and him, you.


[A/N] - aaaaaand that's a wrap!

again, thank you all so much for taking the time to read this book lol. i put a lot of thought and work into it so i hope it suited your twisted tastes<3 if you have anything to constructively critique, please leave those comments down below! if you have anything to praise, comment those things as well. i always love to hear your guys' feedback, comments, and concerns<3

this book was a great stepping stone in my journey to be a better writer, so i'm extremely grateful to you all for reading it lol. it means more to me than you will ever know.

and as always, thank you for reading Hell en Pointe <3


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