chapter 15

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Alastor folded his hands behind his back, pacing around the recording studio with his chin held haughtily in the air.

"I'll need my old hunting knife," he began to explain, "and my old microphone. Along with that, we have to travel to the lovely state of Massachusetts to retrieve a special little... book. That's all."

"That's it?" you raised a brow. "Where are we even gonna find these things?"

"My house," he answered, glancing over to you. "Then, my old recording studio, if it's still standing. Then Harvard College."

Great. A very long-sounding road trip with the most insufferable person in existence.

Your dreadful expression must have been visible on your face, for Alastor smirked and took a step towards you.

"Oh, what ever is the matter, [Y/N]?" he said teasingly. "Dread it?"

"You have no idea," you murmured, sinking into the back wall. You wanted to off yourself right here and right now.

"So, what are we waiting for?" Alastor exclaimed, clasping his hands together. "Let's travel to the Overworld!"

"What?" you said in shock. "We can't just go right now! Are you out of your mind?"

"Why would I be..." said Alastor, his eyes turning into radio dials as the air picked up around him, "...out of my mind?"

"Eghhh..." you said, cringing back. You shook it off. "Because, we can't just tell nobody where we're going. What if we get stuck over there? Charlie and the rest are going to wonder where we went. Who knows how long we'll be there—"

Alastor slid over to you, pulling you into his arm and grinning cheerfully. He poked your nose, causing you to growl lowly. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Miss Kitty!" He said it so tauntingly. It pissed you off in ways you could not fathom. "We'll be back before you know it. Now concentrate."

"Concentrate? On what?"

The air picked up around you once more, the air pressure so dense that you lost your breath for a moment. Alastor's antlers grew extremely large and so did his smile and ears. The radio station picked up with electrifying neon green sparks, black dust and wind storming around like a vortex around the two of you in the center. You're certain that this commotion was definitely visible from the lower floors of the hotel. What would Charlie think about you just up and leaving with no word or explanation?

"Ripping open a portal," said Alastor.

"I- What do I even do, Alastor?!" you exclaimed in exasperation. Before you, a glowing green and white light like a slice in the sheer air in front of your began to form. The portal. But it wasn't expanding in size.

You looked over to the tall, handsome red-haired demon beside you. A bead of sweat began to form on his forehead. His eyes were squinted and his grin was strained.

"A little help here, dear..." he said, strained.

You perked up, embarrassed. "Oh. Right."

"You have... more power than you give yourself credit for, my love," said Alastor reassuringly, still holding you with one arm and lifting the other in the air which held his microphone to conjure what little of the portal he could manage on his own. "Focus it. Use... it. Concentrate on the result... you want to... exhibit, and then it shall... occur..."

You nodded, internally sighed. I can't believe I'm doing this.

You squeezed your eyes shut, focusing as instructed by Alastor on ripping the portal open. Truthfully, you had no idea what you were doing, but you could only hope it was working. You clenched your fists, a pressure forming in your head and body like staticky pins and needles. Focus, [Y/N].

Hell en Pointe | Alastor ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora