chapter 21

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"Oh my God, we're gonna fucking die," you said, shrinking into the passenger seat and beginning to panic. Your breaths were getting heavy all over again, and all you could think about was that Alastor's dumbass had idiotically murdered a woman in broad daylight just for you to have a seat in the front of the car, and that the police were gonna find you at any given moment.

"You worry too much, my dear!" exclaimed Alastor with a laugh. He leaned back into the drivers seat, one hand casually on the wheel as he maneuvered past cars and semi-trucks on the interstate. "Have a little fun, darling! I must admit, it is exhilarating to be on the run from the police again, isn't it?"

"For you," you snarled. "I, on the other hand, never got caught by the police. Even after death."

"Well, I've escaped them once," said Alastor with a grin. "I can do it again. And especially with such a ravishing a woman by my side." He turned to look at you with half-lidded eyes. "Serves as a splendid source of motivation!"

Why was he being so flirty? You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. What was he trying to achieve...? Was he trying to butter you up or something to ask for another favor? Your heart dropped. Was he hoping to trick you into another deal to keep you bound to him even longer?

You knew Alastor was smart, that he was as equally as intelligent as you were. That's made you trust him less. But, truth be told, you had to trust him to some extent because no matter what, he was all you had at the moment in this shithole.

"Ugh," you groaned, sinking into the seat like a sulking child. "I did not miss Earth."

"Why not, my dear?" Alastor said, humming a tune as he turned the radio down. He was listening to a jazz and swing station (of fucking course) and was singing along to the tune.

"Because everyone here is so intolerable," you said, rubbing your face in exasperation. You then put your elbow down on the armrest of the car door, staring at the many cars passing you by on the interstate. "I hate people."

"We have much more in common than you think!" Alastor said gladly. You shot him a look.

"Sometimes I think I prefer Hell over the Overworld," you said. You weren't even sure why you ere making pointless conversation with Alastor, but you were. You had nothing better to do, and maybe in the process you could get something valuable out of him that you could use against him. "Today has proved that."

"So you're glad you died?" asked Alastor, seeming genuinely intrigued. He was probably talking to you for the same reason you were talking to him — to try and get something out of you to manipulate and use later.

"Sometimes, yeah, I guess," you shrugged. "You never told me how you died." You changed the subject.

"Ha!" Alastor laughed. "And I never will." An AI voice sounded out in the car, reverbating though the speakers. Alastor jumped a little in shock. It was kind of cute, so much so that you snickered at his sudden outburst. "What the actual Dickens was that?"

"It's the GPS, Alastor," you snorted. "You know, the map thingy on the phone? You're the one who typed the address in to this guy's house you want me to help you murder..."

"Right," said Alastor, trying to sound confident, but he still seemed a little confused. "Yes, I do in fact recall punching in some letters and numbers into your glowing screen device!"

"Mhm," you hummed in amusement. "Anyway, how'd you die?"

"Well, you just do not give up, now do you, love?"

"Nope," you said, popping the 'p' sound with a smile.

"Okay then, my dear," said Alastor, and you perked up. He smiled with his pearly white teeth, but in your mind you could see his sharp ones he had in his demonic form. "Then let's make a deal!"

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