chapter 14

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You jerked away immediately, completely and utterly in shock.

"The fuck?" you exclaimed. You thought you were prepared for this, prepared for anything he may ask. Hell, you were ready to kill for him, hundreds, thousands, hundred-thousands. Whatever it took. By to travel back to Earth? Was that even possible? "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"Ah, ah, ah!" he tutted, waving his gloved finger. "You made a deal, little fawn. Remember that."

You folded your arms over your chest, shaking your head and scoffing. You couldn't even find the words. Did he understand the extremity of what he was asking you to do?

"That's forbidden, Alastor," you said, pushing out your hand for emphasis. "Lucifer forbids it. We can't just go back up to the mortal realm! It's not even possible."

"Dear [Y/N]," he chuckled, tilting his head. "I've been here a lot longer than you have, and let me just tell you, it has been done before — many times."

"You've done it?"

"Not me personally, no," he shook his head. "But that will change. With your help."

"If we want to get slaughtered by Lucifer's lapdogs, than yes," you said sarcastically. "We can't."

"Lucifer won't do anything," Alastor growled, suddenly annoyed. "And we won't get caught."

"Like hell, we won't!" you exclaimed. "What do you even want to go to the mortal realm for? What could you possibly need from up there? Why could you possibly—?"

He cut you off, slamming you so hard against the wall of the recording studio you lost your breath. You gasped.

He shoved his face up to yours, caging you in his arms. Oh, he was pissed. And he didn't seem to be until you brought up Lucifer. Why did he hate him so much? Did he want to overthrow him? Fuck, of course he did. He's a power-hungry fuck — just like you.

"You ask too many questions," he said, his breath fanning your face. It smelled of his outward scent as well, like pine needles and blood and just so, so fucking delicious. You just needed one simple taste and that's all you—

You flushed. What the actual fuck were you just thinking?

"At least they're good questions," you said, feigning cockiness, but your heartbeat was so fast you could hear it in your ears.

"You belong to me, do you understand that?" he huffed. "You don't get to ask questions. Your soul is mine. Your existence is mine. You made a deal. Do it."

You breathed heavily. His chest was flush against yours, and he was in your ear as he spoke, his ice cold gray skin brushing against yours, sending fire through your nerves. You shook and shivered.

"Fuck you," you whispered in his ear as venomously as you could muster. You didn't belong to him. Over my dead body.

He laughed lowly in your ear. "Ironic, that you say that."

Butterflies swam so violently in your stomach you felt sick. A warmth pooled between your thighs so intensely you squirmed beneath his body.

"What's wrong?" Alastor purred into your ear. "Uncomfortable?"

"Very," you hissed.

"Get used to it, my dear," you could feel his razor-sharp teeth graze your ear, the touch so sensitive on your skin you felt dizzy. "Because I will follow you to the ends of Hell and whatever the fuck is after that until you give me what I want." He let out another breathy laugh. Your body reacted to it intensely, giving out a violent twitch. You exhaled shakily. "Because your soul is mine. And you will not get it back until you do your side of the deal. And I always, always get what I want." He gripped your shoulder with his other hand, squeezing it tightly and pushing you so hard into the wall it created cracks in the wall. "Understand, little fawn?"

Your eyes began to glow and your body physically began to change from anger and passion and whatever the fuck was going on inside of you right now. With extreme strngth and power, you harshly grabbed him by the collar, pulling him down to your height so that you could look him in the eye.

"Fine, motherfucker."


He then backed away from you, and the tension was gone as soon as it came.

You still were catching your breath and your composure. Looking outside the windows and pacing around, hoping to avoid allowing him to see your face. The last thing you wanted was for him to know that you were into that...

Oh, God. You wanted to crawl into a fucking hole and die.

"...So what do we do first?" you said after a short minute of slightly awkward and very heavy silence.

"We make a portal," answered Alastor smugly, as if it was the most simply thing in the universe. Stupid fuck was all high-and-mighty now that he's got you to agree to this ridiculousness... It's not like you had much of a choice, anyway. "Then we step through. Then we are in the Overworld. Simple as that."

"And what makes you think I can make a portal?" you said, irritated. You narrowed your eyes at the tall, red and ebony-haired demon in front of you. "I'm usually swift enough to get wherever I need to go on foot. I've never had any use for... portals."

"I'm sure it will come naturally to you," waved Alastor.

"And what makes you so sure?"

"I just am." For some reason, this reassured you a bit.

"Okay. Then what?" you asked, throwing your hands up and then allowing them to fall back down with the natural pull of gravity. "We can't just walk around up there looking like we do. People will either think they're in a nightmare or that we came straight from Hell itself — which, in that case, we would have." You rolled your eyes. "Just for the record, we don't exactly look very friendly."

"I'm sure that problem will resolve itself, my dear," said Alastor calmly.

"What do you mean?" You raised a brow.

"It's quite obvious, [Y/N], really." Your eye twitched at "obvious," but you allowed him to proceed without it interrupting him. "We looked human in the Overworld, and when we dropped here, we looked like Demons. I'm sure the opposite will apply when we travel there."

"And if it doesn't?" you said doubtfully.

"You're a smart girl, my love," he grinned wildly. "We'll determine a sufficient solution."

"Sure," you said with a roll of your eyes. "But you still haven't explained what you even need up there in the first place. And why."

He smiled even bigger, if possible. "That's the fun part."

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