chapter 38

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He had this under control. Just moments before, he had seen something in the book, something that would exorcise the Wampus from your body. He never mentioned it to you, afraid that the Wampus would use it against you later. He just needed the time and the opening to do it.

Alastor gasped in surprise as he was thrown out the window of his recording studio, body propelled into the air. Thinking fast, his body materialized into a green, shadowy energy and teleported feet-first into solid ground, about a half a mile from the hotel — a decent distance to prevent any damage, though, fairly, that was the least of his concerns right now anyway.

You were gone. It was her now. She against him.

His chest rose and fell as you floated down to him — er, she floated down to him, hair floating crazily and messily in the air, the performance outfit he had got you, the skirt hanging in the air and whipping in the wind, huge tail swishing back and forth. Your ears were huge atop your head and the hairs were spiky. Your whiskers were longer and your nose was different, he noticed.

You didn't look like the girl he loved.

Once the Wampus came to a near enough distance, she spoke, her voice loud and shrieking and reverberating through the atmosphere. Her hands were outstretched from her, your body enveloped in a magenta energy.

"This is the last dance you'll have with her, Alastor," you said. Alastor winced, the sound of the haunting voice piercing his ears. "Hope you've got your best suit on."

Alastor smirked cockily. He leaned back, taking on his casual demeanor. He flipped his staff between his hands. "Ah, the lovely Wampus. You know I always do."

His back ached from the pain of being thrown out of his radio tower, but he ignored it.

Without another quip, the Wampus screeched and lunged froward, sending black tendril shadows electrified by magenta lightning towards Alastor, tearing at him at a rapid pace.

Alastor grunted and reacted quickly, moving his staff to command his own black tendrils, slicing the tendrils in half. But they kept coming after him, and he stumbled on his feet. He kept his composure, however, and teleported this way and that, avoiding the Wampus's attacks with to extreme precision. Alastor's body was enveloped with green light and symbols.

He called upon his Loa, and they appeared, running like an army up to the Wampus and fighting to tear her down from the sky, stretching their body's and clawing at her. She shrieked and kicked them off, angrily throwing her electricity at them and cutting the shadows in half. But they were just that — shadows, and they kept coming back for more, their green-stitched bodies tore apart and mended back together as soon as they were ripped apart.

They probably didn't have much effect on her, considering she was able to manage them like Alastor could from the blood bond connecting his and your bodies.

"My, I expected more out of you, strange entity!" taunted Alastor, laughing deviously as he threw forward some more tendrils and electrify. The Wampus growled and evaded them with ease, her hair intensifying around her, the messy, tangled tresses swishing around in the breeze. "Quite a shame... You're not as powerful as I originally imagined!"

"Silence yourself, man-thing," she replied in vexation. She lunged towards Alastor, throwing her hand at him to tear him apart, nails ripping through the air with an incomprehensible force. "You are the embodiment of immaturity and irrelevance!"

"Hah!" Alastor said wittily. "Last I checked, you were mere folklore, my dear! Nobody knows who you are these days apart from myself and my dear companion [Y/N]."

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