chapter 13

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The next day, you found a note on your nightstand. Your hair was a tangled mess and you had to push it out of your face with your hands to get a clear view of the note as you reached for it, setting it on your lap. How did someone come in here undetected while you slept? It angered you slightly. However, you sucked it up and focused on the neat, cursive handwriting on the note:

Dearest [Y/N],

We need to discuss the favor. Meet me at my radio tower on the eleventh floor the moment you awake. I will be giving my broadcast, but feel free to interrupt me.

Much love and adoration, yours,

Your face contorted in a sneer. Much love an adoration? Stupid fucking— You groaned, gripping your hair in your hands and falling back into your bed with a plop. You had forgotten all about the deal last night and this morning, actually getting a good nights sleep for once. And the second you awake, that old ass radio cunt just had to remind you of it. Oh well, at least you'd be getting your soul back.

With another groan, you forced yourself out of bed, feeling groggy. You brushed through your hair and put on your usual outfit, sliding on your arm and leg warmers and your shoes. You tied the large black ribbon around the waist of your mid-thigh length skirt, and tied two smaller ribbons around your ears.

You looked at yourself in the full-length mirror, turning to each side and even popping up a leg. You grinned. You looked great, as always.

Gracefully, you hopped to the door and decided to head down for breakfast. You did this almost every morning at the hotel. They had a fairly large, albeit a little run-down kitchen, which stayed stocked with all kinds of foods. You had no idea who got the groceries, though. You didn't really care. As long as you got to have your morning steak.

"Morning, sweet cheeks," you said to Charlie as you passed her going down the stairs. She was walking with Vaggie, who silently told you to "fuck off" with her facial expression. You could only grin and continue on. Charlie ensured to utter a kind "good morning, Miss" back.

You then passed Husk at the bar, giving him a short wave. He acknowledged you with a raise of his brows. He was shuffling cards skillfully to himself.

"What's got you so chipper this morning?" Husk said gruffly. You halted for a moment, pausing completely.

You laughed. "Ha. I'm far from chipper, dear Husk."

"Sure seems like it," he murmured.

Your brows raised. You did seem to be in a good mood. Just when you woke up you were frustrated, but the second you got on your feet, you were thrilled to go through your day. Why was that...?

"Well, I'm not," you replied with a wave of your hand. You then rolled your eyes, thinking of Alastor. You muttered the next part, "Trust me."

"Seeing anyone today?" he teased.

You scoffed. How could he possibly know anything.

"What do you know?" you said as nicely as possible.

He shrugged. "Nothing. I don't know anything. I'm just suggesting what could be possible. Though, I don't really take you for the type to be seeing a man or woman. You've always struck me as the independent type."

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