chapter 36

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"Well, at least somebody got dick this morning," huffed Angel, pouring a glass of milk as you sauntered weakly into the kitchen, your thighs and legs quivering. You twitched, irritated.

"Shut up, Angel," you sighed. You were clad in your usual clothes, ribbons tied tightly in your hair, face painted with a little makeup, but you still looked a hot mess. Your face was flushed and your knees were wobbly. "How did you even...?" You groaned and trailed off, humiliated.

"I think everyone knows," said Vaggie, entering the kitchen and rummaging in the freezer. She dug her grayish-purple hand in for a while, and once finding an instant-breakfast meal to warm up, she smiled successfully and moved over to the microwave.

"I- How?" you stammered, opening the refrigerator to get out a carton of pig's blood. Or, at least, that's what you thought it was. It had a sticky note with Alastor's name written hastily on it (his own work, you presumed), so it was probably not pigs blood. Even better.

"The bed," spat Vaggie as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She punched in a few numbers onto the microwave, running a hand through her extremely long hair. "All night. And all this morning," she snapped.

You blushed and turned away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever sorry."

"Don't be sorry, toots," said Angel moving over to you to put back the carton of milk just as you were leaving the refrigerator. "Sex is good, Miss. Keep fucking." He gave you a thumbs up. You playfully shoved him. You missed Angel. He was always your favorite amongst the hotel guests.

Then, a new voice arose, squealing as she practically teleported into the kitchen.

"Ohhhhhhhhh my God, Miss!" said Charlie, running up to you and pulling you into a tight hug. Her face smushed against your leotard, face contorted into a worried frown, jumping up and down a little as she embraced you. "I was sooooo so so worried!"

"Can't.... breathe...!" you managed out, a little blood spilling out of your carton and onto the floor. Charlie didn't notice.

"Ugh, I'm sorry!" said Charlie apologetically, releasing you. She looked up at you with puppy eyes, clutching her fists togetehr. "[Y/N], where did you even go? I saw that portal thing—" she looked around, waving a hand, "—we all did. And then we heard you come home last night—"

"We sure did," interjected Angel, wiggling his eyebrows. You flipped him off, still looking at Charlie. You let your hand fall down, towering over the shorter blonde.

"—and we decided to let you rest, but oh!" Charlie said, ignoring what you had said earlier about being unable to breathe and hugged you tightly again. "I thought Alastor was going to hurt you! I thought he was taking you away and you would never come back! I was so sure-"

"Charlie," Vaggie interrupted, pinching the bridge of her nose. She seethed with slight jealousy, and you smirked a bit, amused.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," said Charlie, letting you go for the second time. "I- Where did you even go, [Y/N]? Where did he take you?"

"Yeah, Miss," said Vaggie, quirking a suspicious brow. "Where did you go? You were gone for days."

"The Overworld," said a new voice. You whipped your head around and saw Alastor enter the threshold, fully dressed in his red-and-black suit, a bright yellow grin upon his face. He held his radio staff in his hand, walking casually into the room.

You stared at him, frozen, imagining him without his clothes on.

His eyes met yours, and you knew he was thinking the same thing.

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