chapter 12

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After a visit down to the south for a few hours to check on things down there (things were completely fine without you, thank God, aside from a couple new murders and multiple reported bar fights [you had people to report to you these things because, of course, you were not omnipresent]), you returned to the hotel that night to lay down and rest.

After playing poker with Husk and Charlie (who was against the idea of actually gambling, so you simply just used the chips), you retired to your bedroom and changed into comfortable clothes. Wearing a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, you let your hair flow naturally without your signature ribbons around your ears. It was a lot easier to not sleep with them in, for if you did, your hair would tangle around them by in the morning.

You sighed, heading to the bathroom connected to your bedroom to brush your teeth. When done, you plopped down on your bed and snuggled into the many pillows and pulled out a book from your nightstand drawer. But no matter what you tried to do, you couldn't focus on it. Your mind just kept going back to Alastor and the deal you made.

After shaking his hand in the studio, he bid you a sinister farewell and melted into the shadows. You assumed at that point, he had returned to the hotel, because when you left to go back yourself about an hour later, he was already there. He didn't speak to you, only sparing you a quick grin and a broad smile, of course. You had glared at him. It's been a day since then.

You poured over it in your mind for over ten minutes. What would he ask you to do for him? What would he ask you to do for him that's so grand and great that it was worthy of getting your soul back? You chewed on your long black fingernails. The more and more you thought about it, the more anxious you got.

Then you heard a rapping at your door.

"Come in," you said quietly and politely. The person behind the door heard you and turned the knob. You side-eyed the door with an anticipatory glance.

It was Charlie.

You had started becoming better friends with her as the days went on. She treated you similarly to how she treated Alastor — with an immense amount of respect. However, if you said something out-of-line or something demeaning about others (like once, you mentioned something about how dealing in souls was your favorite past time), she would shoot you a glare or tell you to "stop it."

She was annoying at times, but you admired her persistence for trying to make this hotel work. She was constantly planning exercises and activities for the group at the hotel to bond more, which you never participated in. However, you did enjoying watching from afar.

"May I speak to you for a moment?" asked Charlie kindly. She stood at the door with her hands folded behind her back, her red doorman uniform sleek and neatly pressed. She had not a hair out of place, but she did look rather tired. She'd probably be going to bed soon, like everyone else in the hotel at this time of night.

"Sure, sugar."

She smiled and stepped furthermore inside, shutting the door softly behind her. You stared at her for a moment in silence. She was quite beautiful. You shrunk a little from the thought.

"I just wanted to ask you if everything was alright," she looked a little saddened. "I... spoke to Alastor."

You perked up, heart skipping a beat. "You what?"

"Well, uh..." she trailed off, putting her index behind her collar and tugging it to allow fresh air inside. She was suddenly nervous, as if threatened by you. "...We were just, talking, and, well, you've been here long enough by now to know how he is."

You suppose she's right. It's been a month already since you came here.

You quirked a brow, pushing her to continue. Her next words came out so fast you could hardly understand her.

"He said you made a deal." She looked to the side quickly, and then back to you. "With him."

You smiled with teeth. "And? What's the concern, baby?"

She flushed. "I- uhm..." She twiddled her thumbs, staring at her shoes. "I just wanted to make sure everything was alright, u-uh you know, uhm..." Cute.


"Yeah?" she perked up, her little head going straight up at that exact moment. You chuckled.

"I'm fine. I didn't sell my soul. I've got it under control." Little does she know, your soul has already been sold to Alastor. "You're not in danger, nor is the hotel, nor am I. Everything's fine, darlin'."

You said the last words softly, hoping to get her off your back. However, you felt a little fond of her in that moment. She was unbelievably kind and genuine, without even trying. It was simply who she was. You were certain that if that girl was not Hellborn, she would be in Heaven right now.

"Oh, thank you!" she exclaimed, suddenly running up to you and pulling you into an embrace. You froze stiffly, your hands flaring out behind her back. She squeezed you so tightly you lost your breath for a moment. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, [Y/N]. I was so worried he had done something terrible, that it threatened you, that it threatened the hotel..." She rambled on and on.

Your heart pounded. You returned her embrace and smirked into her hair. What would her little girlfriend think about this?

She let you go, smiling with a pink face. She surely didn't think of you that way, and neither did you, but there was a sort of undeniable tension in the air, one that made you extremely overconfident and one that made her squirm.

She backed away preparing to leave. You stood up, towering over her by nearly a foot. You grinned with sharp teeth, feeling like it would be fun to cause a little mayhem, to tease a little. Why not?

You leaned down to her ear, tucking a strand of her soft blonde hair behind her ear. You whispered softly: "Get some rest, Princess."

Then you backed away, staring down at her at your towering height compared to hers. Her face was burning hot.

"U-Uhm, thanks!" she squealed. She turned to glance at the door, then back to you, then the door again, then you again. "Glad you're okay. Byeeee!" She ran off before you could do any more. Gee, she was a fast talker when she was nervous.

She shut the door behind her and you returned back to your bed. She had called you by your real name — which only Alastor called you, of all people — and the more you thought about it the more uncomfortable you felt. You didn't like getting too close to people. You kept everyone at a distance. You stayed alone, for the most part.

But you would let it slide this time... and maybe next time, and the time after that. She was just so... sweet. You couldn't help but make an exception for her. She was a good person and a good friend, truly. You smiled a little, a real, genuine smile.

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