Chapter 16

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Life was hell.

Walker and I hadn't spoken for two weeks. It was already April, and the most interaction I had with him was accidental eye contact across the room.

We hadn't officially broken up, but things were tense. I wanted to try to talk to him and resolve things, but I was too nervous.

Adam and Eva were getting fed up with our fight, too. They talked to us individually to try to force us to talk together, but nothing worked. Walker was too stubborn, and I was too cautious and paranoid.

One Wednesday night, I was super anxious with schoolwork and just life in general, so I had a mental breakdown. I went to Walker's contact to call him, but then I remembered we weren't talking, and it made things worse.

I then went to call Eva, and the second I heard her voice, I cried harder.

"Why are you crying?" She asked, with sympathy and concern in her voice.

"I'm just so done with everything," I sniffled. "School has been too overwhelming, my mom has been making me watch Zak all the time, and I don't know how much longer I can go without Walker. And the worst part is my mom will ask me about him and I can't say we broke up because we didn't and I just have to act like everything is fine."

"Why don't you talk to your mom?" Eva asked.

"Because all she's going to say is, 'Oh sweetie, I'm sorry, go pray about it.'" I said that part in a fake mom voice. "Eva, I'm sick of that being her only way of comforting me, and believe me, I've prayed a lot."

"Well..." Eva hesitated. I could tell she was trying to think of the right words to say. "Just talk to him," she said after a few moments. "He didn't break up with you, so there's proof that he doesn't want to end things. I'm confident that he still loves you, and you two are just having a little fight."

"A little fight?" I repeated. "A little fight doesn't last two weeks."

"That's because you're both too stubborn to talk to each other," Eva explained.

"Come on, Eva," I scoffed. My mental breakdown was morphing into irrational anger. "I'm not too stubborn, I'm too scared that he won't want to talk to me. You know that."

"I said it before, and I'll say it again," Eva said calmly. Calm Eva was rare in these kinds of situations, and it was pissing me off for some reason. "He didn't break up with you, and you didn't break up with him. You both want to fix things, but don't know how. A good first step is to talk to him."

"What am I supposed to say then?" I asked scathingly.

"Just ask, 'Hey, can we talk?'" Eva suggested.

"And then what?"

"Aaliyah, I'm not going to help you through every step of this. I have to go. I believe in you to talk to him and reconcile. Bye." And with that, Eva hung up.

I threw my phone down and dug my hands into my hair. I had never been so overwhelmed in my life. I had school the next day, and I didn't know if I could go. If I did, I'd have to see Walker, and school was such a drag. Although, I knew my mom wouldn't let me stay home. I was so exhausted that when I laid back on bed, I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

Walker's POV

I really missed Aaliyah.

I had screwed everything up by making the whole Luis predicament a bigger deal than it was. We hadn't talked in two whole weeks, and she looked more exhausted than I'd ever seen her. She needed a hug, but because I was so damn stubborn, I couldn't bring myself to be the one to give it to her.

Love at First Sight? - Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now