Chapter 2

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The next day, I woke up after a spectacular sleep. I had fallen asleep listening to Taylor Swift love songs as one does when they have a new crush. I got out of bed, got dressed, did my hair and all that.

After I finished, I checked my phone to see a text from Walker that he had sent late last night I didn't see.

"Heyy Aaliyah! It's Walker" it read.

I replied with a short little "heyyy". He responded immediately and we began a short conversation.


are you excited for our second day of school?

i guess???

well hopefully it's less boring today

yeah i would think so since all the syllabus
stuff is over

yeah fs
what's your favorite class so far?

probably chemistry tbh

yeah same
ive got a pretty good seatmate 😉


I played it off cool, but in reality I was violently screenshotting and sending the picture to Eva.


attachment: image
is he flirting??


are you sure?

what else would he be doing?

being nice?

ugh you're oblivious

I put my phone in my backpack and went upstairs, as we were going to leave.

"What are you so smiley about?" Inquired my mom, as I climbed into the passengers seat.

"Huh? Oh, n-nothing," I stuttered in response. My mom was a strict enforcer of no dating until I'm 18, so I bet she wouldn't be a fan of a boy flirting with me.

My mom gave me a look, but didn't press any further.

When we got to school, I hopped out of the car at the same time as Walker. I saw him and sped up to reach him and we fell into step.

"Oh hey Aaliyah," he said, grinning his adorable grin.

"Hi Walker," I replied.

He held the door for me as we walked into the building. We walked in comfortable silence through the hallway until we reached our homeroom.

"Good morning you two," greeted Mrs. Tristan, as I walked through the door Walker held for me.

"Morning," we both said.

Eva was at her locker already, trying to hide the fact that she was on her phone. Windsor had a strict no phone policy.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, reading over her shoulder.

"Adam," she replied, smiling. "He texted me as soon as he got home and we talked literally all afternoon."

"Awwww," I said. "What did you guys talk about?"

"We kinda just got to know each other better," she answered. "He plays hockey and just moved from Minnesota."

"Oooh, hockey boys are hot," I giggled.

"Yeah they are," she agreed.

I turned to talk to Walker, but I saw him chatting with one of the other guys in my class, Trevor. They seemed to be hitting it off and I was glad Walker was making more friends.

Love at First Sight? - Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now