drunken mood swings <3 rafe cameron

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"Can you just get in the fucking car?" Rafe practically begs, not having any interest in dealing with her attitude today. He had had a really long day and he just wanted to go home. She had to be the single most stubborn person he has ever met. She walks down the road, his truck pulled off to the side, slowly driving at her pace.

"Say you're sorry." She huffs, glancing over at her annoyed boyfriend and picking up her pace as if she's going to out run the vehicle. The increased pace causes her to stumble, her pride doing nothing for the fact that she's five shots and a couple drinks deep.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Will you please just get in?" He seemed sincere, but not sincere enough for her. She stops moving suddenly with a dramatic stomp and turns to him.

"Say it like you mean it." Her words slur together.

"I did. Because I do mean it. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have picked a fight with Maybank. I get that he's your friend or whatever. Now can you get in the car? It's starting to get dark and I am not letting you walk home like this." He runs a frustrated hand down his face. She doesn't live too far from here. She's made the walk plenty of times sober but right now she looks like she's about to fall over just standing there. She huffs out, rolling her eyes as a final act of rebellion before she gets into the truck.

"Fine." She puts all her weight into opening the door and Rafe rolls his eyes at her dramatics. She falls back when she tries to get into the lifted truck, giggling carelessly as she does so.

"Jesus christ." He jumps in his seat, reaching out to grab her arm so she doesn't tumble out of the truck. He uses his hold on her to pull her fully into the car, forcing her back into the seat and buckling her seatbelt for her. The second she makes contact with the plush comfortable seat of her boyfriend's truck, she forgets entirely why she insisted on walking. Her feat burn from her stubbornness and she kicks her shoes off. That's when she finally notices they aren't moving.

"My house is-" She stumbles, actually thinking he forgot where she lives.

"I know where your house is, dumbass, close the fucking door." His tone is much harsher than he means it to be and he immediately regrets it. He's not mad at her, he's just tired. He knows she's just tired too, tired and drunk. He also knows she gets quite emotional when she's drunk, and she hates being yelled at always. He doesn't want to look up because he knows what will be there to greet him. And of course, there it is. She looks at him, tears brimming in her eyes.

Rafe can't help but feel bad. He knows it's not that serious but his heart still breaks at the sight of his pretty girl on the verge of tears because of him. He sighs, putting the car in park and immediately getting out. He quickly walks around the now parked car so he can have access to her.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles out when she sees him standing in front of her. She tries to ensure her tears don't fall but, they were getting dangerously close.

"No. Baby, I'm sorry. It's ok. You didn't do anything wrong." Rafe sighs, placing a reassuring kiss on her lips. "Ok?" He asks and she doesn't respond, still focused on not crying. Rafe frowns, bringing his hands up to cup her cheeks and wipe away the tears from her eyes. He then kisses her again, this time giving her a small pat on the cheek. When he pulls back he notices her trying to hold back a smile and it brings a bright smile to his lips. "Ok?" He repeats and she honestly doesn't even remember what he said before.

"Mmhm." She agrees, a small nod and a loud giggle. The sound is angelic to Rafe. He notices her shivering a bit before he closes the door and frowns.

"You cold?" She looks down at her hands and nods, for some reason embarrassed about being cold. He just chuckles, shaking his head lightly at her random coyness. Her drunken mood swings are certainly the single most entertaining part of being in a relationship with this girl. He opens the large glove compartment and pulls out the neatly folded blanket he put in there just for her. He drapes the blanket over her and the second it touches her, she pulls it closer and curls up into a ball against the chair. "Better?"

"Yah." She giggles tiredly and closes her eyes, going into full passenger princess mode. The last thing she hears before she drifts to sleep is Rafe closing her door for her.


She is woken up by jostling as Rafe tries to unlock the door with her unconscious body held bridal style in his arms, the white blanket still wrapped around her.

"Rafe?" Her voice slurs out.

"Shit." He mumbles to himself when he realizes she's awake. "Sorry, princess, I was trying not to wake you."

"It's ok." She mumbles, slinging her hands around his neck and resting her head against his chest. He smiles when he feels her nuzzling close to him, opening the door quickly now that he doesn't have to worry about waking her. He immediately starts walking upstairs, placing her on his blue comforter when he gets up to his room. She finally realizes this isn't her house, the mattress is way too soft. Plus she doesn't have a second floor what is she, a Kook? She lifts her head, furrowing her eyebrows when she realizes she's in her boyfriend's mansion. Rafe laughs, amused that she's just now noticed she's on the complete opposite side of the island.

"I didn't think it would be a good idea to bring you home considering the fact that you're wrecked right now." He explains and she doesn't really listen, slipping back into sleep. He smiles at her sleeping form, god she's adorable.

He slips the white blanket off of her, stripping her out of the bikini and shorts she wore to the beach party and replacing them with one of his shirts. He then carefully takes the makeup off of her face, doing her entire long skincare routine and even brushing her teeth for her. God this man is pussy whipped. When he is done getting ready and getting her ready for bed, he lays next to her and pulls her into his chest. She subconsciously moves into his chest further, cuddling into her spot on him.

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