What will you do?

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------SMUT WARNING-----

(Again for the 6000x no important plot points skip if its not your thing :) )

Here's some food for you horny mfs


y/n pov

We go into the apartment hand in hand as soon as the door clicks behind me her hands are around my waist. "I missed you." She smirked placing her hands under my shirt playfully. "It's been like five days since we've kissed, shut up." I laugh jokingly. 

"Oh yeah right we had sex then I went to hang out with Towa." She states teasingly. Something in my body clicked and I pushed her hands away from under my shirt.

That action obviously takes her by surprise as she lets out a little gasp. I rapp my hands around her waist and brush my lips lightly on her neck. "I quit my job for you. I want to see what you would do for me." I whisper into her ear before kissing her neck. 

She moans softly lightly tilting her head back to give me more access to her neck. I smirk noticing the small action and pull away. She moans again but this time not because of the feeling of pleasure. "Don't tease me." She whines. "I want you so bad please." 

I shake my head a playful grin appearing on my face. I was going to tease the fuck out of her and enjoy every minute. "I will do anything for you." she breathed. 

"Come here then." I hooked my finger into one of her belt loops on her black jeans and pulled her towards her bedroom. 

I drag her straight to the bed, finger still hooked in her belt loop. I pull her closer and use my other hand pressing on the small on her back. I press my lips against hers and she kisses back but her kisses were more desperate than mine. Almost begging for me, and I liked it. 

She bites my bottom lip and I let out a moan as she pulls away pulling my lip slightly before letting go. I roll my eyes and push her backwards so that she lands on the bed. I follow her down and place another kiss on her lips, this one more sloppy than the first. Our tongues automatically fighting for dominance. 

She pulls off her shirt in between kisses leaving her there in her bra. I started to kiss down her neck and across her tits before making my way down to her lower belly. 

I undo her top button unzipping her pants kissing across her waistline, I pull them all the way off revealing her black panties. I kiss across them and down her thighs and then back up listening to her moan as I teased her. Fuck it was hot. I moved her underwear out of the way and teased her entrance. "baby stop teasing just fuck me please." 

I oblige and pull her panties off inserting one finger slowly and feel her tense around me, "You feel so good." she moans. I could feel a warmth and wetness between my own legs now. fuck. Seeing her in front of me like this drove me crazy. I added another finger and picked up my pace feeling her melt in my hands "Fuck baby." I watch as she grasps the bed sheets. "I'm so sensitive."  she says shakily as I lean down kissing her thighs moving towards her center. 

 I reach her pussy and place a soft kiss on it before starting to play with her clit with my tongue. I quicken the pace on her clit while still fingering her and can feel her getting close. I pull away.  

"Come for me." I state trying to hold in the hunger forming in between my own legs.

She nods, as I quicken my pace I put my tongue back on her clit starting to play with it. "Fuck. baby i'm close." she grabs onto my shoulder aggressively digging her fingers into my skin. 

I feel her release on my tongue, I continue but slow my pace slightly feeling her flinch under my tongue. 

"Let me clean you up." I say licking her off my fingers.    

She sits up slightly and pulls me towards her kissing me. She flips herself so that she ends up on top of me kissing down my neck and across my collarbone, sucking just enough so that I know tomorrow those will be hickeys. 

"Nae." I start but she stops me by crashing her lips onto mine again. She pulls away after a moment and smirks "Fine fine i'll stop." 

She rolls over laying on top of me. She crosses her arms on my chest to rest her chin on. "So baby, what are you going to do now?" I shrug before combing my fingers through her hair. "Writing what I want I guess. Maybe I'll make a masterpiece." I smile "Whatever it is, I'll figure it out, until then I have you and that's all I ever need." 

I watch as she fights her eyes closing and gives in after a second "I have to go to the studio tomorrow, other than that I'm all yours." she yawns and rolls over getting comfortable beside me with my arm draped over her shoulder.


Cams Corner 

two chapters in one day?!

Omg this book is coming to an end so quickly

I'm gonna be so sad when its done but I'm so excited for you guys to read what I have planned next! 

Vote and Comment orrrr the next time you go swimming jojo siwa will tickle your toes under the water 

Rooftop Romance // Renee RappOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora