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My phone screen lights up the room as I roll over to grab it Gabi starts to stir, she slept over last night, and to be honest the night before as well, and the night before that... I haven't slept alone since I had the dream and I was happy I hadn't.

"What's up with you?" She sits up in the bed. "Something's been going on tell me." I let out an audible ugh "Women." She inches closer and looks at me with the come on i'm your best friend tell me pleaseeee face. I shake my head and lean back onto the backboard of my bed. "Okay if I tell you, you have to promise, PROMISE that you won't freak out or anything like that."

"Okay okay okay, I promise." she says showing both of her hands palm out so that I could see she was not crossing her fingers. "So you know the concert we went too?" she nods

"What did you find someone there? is that what this is?" She asks "is y/n innnn looovvee." I throw my pillow at her "Shut up and fucking listen Gabi."

"Okay fine, who's the girl then, I don't know why you would tell me not to freak out unless it was Renee Rapp herself and it's not lik-" my face falls and she notices and immediately stops speaking.

"You what?" she gets out of the bed and starts pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed waking up Baloo. "WITH WHO?" She paces faster and I know that she's trying to piece everything together in her head. And without thinking everything just poured out of my mouth at once. Every single detail.

I take a deep breath in "and I guess i'm here now." I exhale finally done with the tangent. I look up from where I was nervously pulling at the bed sheets to see Gabi standing there with the most shocked face i've ever seen. Frozen in one spot. After what felt like an eternity she finally speaks.

"Holy fuck, I need a drink. YOU need a drink. We're going out." and she takes off towards the bathroom she comes back out moments alter with her toothbrush in her mouth "are you going to change or are you wearing cookie monster pjs to the club?" she gestures to the pj pants I have on and scoffs.

I sigh and lay down pulling the covers over my head in an attempt to disappear, I was not in the mood to go out tonight. Maybe I should though, to get over whatever rut i'm in right now. I slowly pull down the covers and hear a screech come from the bathroom "It'll be good for you. lets GOOOO."

I huff and fling my legs over the side of the bed "Fine, i'll go." I respond back going towards the closet which just proved to be another problem, I didn't know what to wear.


The club was loud and busy "Two vodka red bulls. Double shot." Gabi yells towards the bartender sliding a 20 towards her. She was super pretty; light brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, the absolute opposite of Renee. I smile at her and she smiles then winks back at me. Gabi smirks "And four vodka shots, to get the night going." she slides another 20 towards her "keep the change."

The bartender slides the drinks towards us and I smile at her again saying thank you. "Anytime princess." she smiles back and walks away. Gabi grabs her shots and downs them and then motions for me to do the same. I swig them back, hopefully this might make me forget how I feel.

I get pulled onto the dance floor and start dancing with Gabi, everything starting to feel better in the moment. Fuck maybe she was right I needed this.

I start to let go and move with the music and just for a minute I forgot about her I didn't have the feelings I had before, I had finally let loose when my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Renee Just now

I'm sorry can you just let me explain?

My body tenses and all of a sudden all the liquid courage I had in my system was begging to come out and not in a good way. I want nothing more than to go back to before I got the message, where I had slowly started to forget about her and yet something in my body was happy, it was intrigued by her message. fuck I wanted her so bad. god wait what? I'm so drunk.

"It's her" I say under my breath towards Gabi. I don't know how she heard me over the deafening dance music but she stops dancing and pulls me off to the side. "Talk to me, what did she say?" She asks.

"I think I need to go outside for a bit." I scratch the back of my neck and start making my way towards the bright red exit sign. what the fuck am I going to do... I have drank way too much tonight to think about this situation seriously.

I stumble out the doors and brace myself on the wall just outside. what the fuck am I supposed to do? why would she want to explain now? and the biggest thought that was circling my head right now was why was I so excited to hear from her after what happened. My brain is mush that's why, I tell myself not fully believing it.

"She had her chance to do that and she didn't." I started as Gabi came through the doors. "Why would she bring it up now it doesn't make any sense at all." I push off the wall and stagger towards the alley before sitting down on the curb next to Gabi.

"You're a fucking idiot y/n." She puts a cigarette in between her lips pulling her hand up to light it covering the top of it with her other hand. "You haven't acted this dumb since we were in high school, You like her, you were pissed off because you felt something." She puts the cigarette between her index and middle fingers exhaling.

"You were jealous, she wasn't in the right either but you're a fucking idiot if you don't text her back and hear her out." I sigh she was right I should hear her out. "Okay." I get up abruptly... a little too abruptly as the world starts to get blurry and the nausea set in. I sit back down on the curb "Maybe in a minute." I slur out.

"Thanks for telling me by the way." She stomps the cigarette butt out on the ground. "She's hot so I get it" She slaps my shoulder, "Wanting to keep her to yourself you know. Gatekeeping Renee Rapp how dare you." I shoot a look up at her "Fuck off."

"We need to sober you up so you can get your girl. Lets go." She pulls me up off the curb that I had just got comfortable on again and we head off towards the apartment arm in arm.


Hey sexy mfs, Sorry this one took a hot second to write out I stg I actively died this week

vote and comment or i'll kill someone off xoxo


Rooftop Romance // Renee RappWhere stories live. Discover now