An Article

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I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing, I look at the caller ID and it's my boss. I pick up reluctantly "Hey." "Good morning can you come in today? I have some articles for you to look through I just put them on your desk." I sigh and debate it a second, I guess the money would be nice. "Yeah I'll be in in 20" I say hanging up the phone. 

I slink out of my bed slowly, it's way too early for me to be up on a Sunday, grabbing a random long sleeve shirt from my floor and the same pants I wore last night. "Baloo, lets go buddy" he speeds out of my room and to the front door. 

Work is quiet, it's Sunday so there's no one here except me. I open my office and let Baloo off the leash, no ones here and he would just loose his mind at the apartment alone. I sit down in my chair, there is about five articles on my desk and a little sticky note on top; Proof these please. At least it's not that many. I lean back in my chair relaxing for a second. Last night circling my brain;

I look over at her my jacket draped over her shoulders big smile on her, face feet swinging off the side of the roof. She was beautiful not just with looks but something about her soul  who she was, was beautiful. "Are you staring at me?" I nod my head "Yeah you got something on your face."  She reaches up to wipe her face and I laugh. "What the fuck." she shoved me then started laughing. "Thanks" she says when she stops laughing, "I really needed something like this. I don't know what it is about you but I feel comfortable."  

Since I left that roof last night I haven't stopped thinking about it... about her. I've never felt so comfortable with someone before, I've never felt the way I did on that roof and it confuses me. How can someone I barely know make me feel like that? I guess honestly it doesn't matter now we didn't exchange numbers or anything like that. I snap out of my day dream and start looking through the articles on my desk I start flipping through them. First one I went through was a piece on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, I proofed through it pretty quickly and put a sticky note on it saying accepted.  

A couple articles and a coffee break later I get a text from my sister, 


You have to come down this week

 it's the week of my thirtieth, big rager 

I forgot you're old as hell 

I guess I have some days saved up ill come down

I had not planned of going back there for a while, it brings up a lot of memories from high school when I had moved in with her, and they were not the greatest memories. But dirty thirty is a big deal, I text my boss deciding i'd use my paid sick days for the week. Then text my dad asking for him to take baloo.

I got all of my texts out of the way and had decided to drive down instead of fly, finally I was able to get back to work, I pick up the next article;


Fan Favorite Couple Over? Renee Rapp hiding secrets

Renee Rapp seen infuriated after concert without new boo Alissa Carrington even though they are in the same city right now, why wasn't she at the concert? Trouble in paradise? this fan favorite couple could be over if so that could cause major blow back on Renee...

My heart skips a beat as awful as it was the article made me excited even though I knew it was complete horse shit. Renee Rapp hiding secrets? Really? There was no point to that article there was no information just questions. but it is interesting that they're in the same area right now and Alissa didn't go to the concert especially after the conversation I overheard in the bathroom. I make a note on the article phone call in bathroom; upset with partner? Things over? Extremely upset in general. Look deeper. and circle Renee's name then shove it into my desk drawer hiding it among other articles. 

Opening my laptop I search her name in the search bar, over eight million results are found, I start looking at pictures and then into articles. She isn't wearing her A necklace anymore, and it seems like she hasn't been for the last two months. I rack my brain thinking back to last night I could remember almost everything, the way she smelt, the way the air smelt, the way she looked at me. There was no necklace last night either. I write a sticky note no necklace for two months? Is she lying?  Closing my laptop and getting out of my seat I decide i'm done for the day, I finished all five articles only two of them made it to the accepted pile so mostly just wasted time. I set the articles on my bosses desk and get ready to go back to the apartment. I grab Baloo's dog leash and we make our way out of the office. All I could think about was Renee, I wanted to know more about her I was intrigued she left me wanting more. I needed to see her again.    

Rooftop Romance // Renee RappTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang