Hotel Room

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I spin around to be face to face with someone I was hoping I would see again. "Renee?" I say to the beautiful blonde in front of me.

"Hey!" she says with a big smile "Stalking me or something?" I laugh "I could say the same thing to you, I was technically here first."

I grab my coffee that's waiting for me on the ledge. "You got a concert tonight?" I ask stepping back. "No, not tonight, the concerts tomorrow. Was hoping to do some sightseeing or something today." I laugh again. "Sightseeing? Here?" Maybe it's because I grew up here but there just was nothing that is super exciting that goes on here. "I used to live here, you busy now?"

"No, baby of course not" she smiles "Thought you'd never ask, just let me grab coffee and we'll go." As if on cue the barista calls her name and she goes up to get her drink "Okay, where are we going... killer." she jokes and I smile "It's a secret." I pull her out through the coffee shop doors and onto the sidewalk. "My hotel is just around this corner, come on." The streets were still pretty busy so as we walk I can feel her grab onto my hoodie sleeve to make sure she doesn't loose me which makes my heart skip a beat.

When we get to the hotel I can feel her grip quickly disappear from the sleeve of my hoodie, making me feel cold like something was missing. "Nice hotel." she states looking around the lobby. "Yeah pretty cheap for how central it is to be honest. Maybe next time when you're in town you can stay here." she gets into the elevator with me "Do you come with the room or do I have to book you separately?" My heart starts pounding even harder but I shake the comment off as knowing me I'm going to spend days overthinking it.

We get to my car and get in "Okay. Now can you tell me where were going?" she says as she puts her seatbelt on. "No" I reply "Still a secret." she huffs but then looks at me questioningly "So what can I know?" I pull out of the parking spot and start the adventure "About where were going?" I ask. "No, about you in general."

"Well what do you want to know? I'm kind of an open book. I'll answer any question you throw my way." I'm not. at all. I just felt safe with her, like no matter what I told her I knew that no harm would ever come from it, which was weird as this was technically the second time I've ever seen her. "Okay hmm give me a minute to think." she leaned over and turned the radio on Beyonce's Halo started blasting through my speakers... must be a throwback station. She then moved the car seat back so that she was more comfortable.

Soon enough we were where I wanted to go, it was a little dirt circle with a small dirt road leading to it. Just big enough for one car to fit, as i park the car she gasps. "oh my god is that a fence?" Infront of us there is a tall chain link fence "is this the big tourist destination here?" I shake my head "nope, just a me thing from what I know. Just wait I promise." I open the sun roof and hop out of it sitting on the top of my car. "come on, trust me." I put my hand back down through the sunroof to help Renee up onto the roof of the car. I lay back so that my feet just dangle inside the car and she does the same. "You took me here to cloud gaze?" she props her self up on one side. "No, I took you hear t-" I am cut off my the loud sound of a plane engine Renee jumps slightly and grabs onto my arm. looking up right above us was a plane coming in to land and it felt close enough to touch, it wasn't but still.

"wow, that was actually pretty cool" she smiles. "it's something that I used to do all the time in high school when I just wanted time to myself, big plane gal. Closest you'll ever be to one landing or taking off if you ask me." she lays back down flat and lets go of my arm again. "I figured out what I want to do."

"What?" I ask. "I want to play 20 questions except it's just me just asking you questions about yourself." she starts to fiddle with her rings "okay, shoot" I respond leaning in closer.

"Okay okay question one; Do you have any siblings?" I nod "Yeah an older sister, that's why I'm here its her 30th" I reply.

"I have a younger brother, Charles but that's it." she adds. "A younger brother sounds fun, I always wanted one hated being the youngest."

"Its okay having him around, I guess" I can hear the sarcasm in her voice when she says the end.

About eight random questions and two hours later I sit up, "Come on, lets go grab some food." I help her back into the car through the sunroof and we speed off. We end up at McDonald's for no good reason. Then decided to go back to the hotel and eat the food there.

we made it into my room and were sitting on the bed eating "hmm this is a good one. How many relationships have you been in?" I shudder, "Honestly? one and you met her." Renee looks at me puzzled "Sutton, you did a radio thing with her. We dated in high school it didn't end well." her jaw drops "so you do fucking stalk me" she grabs a fry and chucks it at me "Liar!"

"hey! i don't stalk you I was just trying to listen to the radio" i say trying to cover it up. "Yeah but you obviously remembered the conversation." she says chucking another fry at me as my face is slowly turning red. "yes omg baby i am deeply in love with you and have been watching your TikTok's and thirsting over you every waking moment please leave your girlfriend and date me." I joke which gains a well deserved shove "shut the fuck up oh my god."

After we finished our food we got comfortable " If you could do anything with your life what would it be?" I roll over so were face to face on our sides like any sleepover in middle school. "I really want to be a writer, I want to travel the world and write about anything and everything I can in different places, I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "that sounds like you know really what you want. I've always wanted to be a singer ever since I was so so little and I don't know I am having so much fun touring right now and meeting new people and doing what I love. So i guess I could say I'm doing what I want already."

I remember about the article in my desk I wanted to probe her a little about it "what about you and Alissa? Long term plans there?" She shrugged "I don't know, I guess if our lives go onto different tracks then they do who knows for sure you know." she sighs and i roll back onto my back. "Yeah i get that, people come and people go can't force yourself to love someone or keep someone if you just don't anymore."

I stop talking and don't hear a response from her side, "Renee? Renee?" I sit up too look over at her she's sound asleep with her hand tucked up against her face. She is so beautiful, even in her sleep, she just looks so peaceful. I make myself a little bed on the couch and then I grab a blanket laying it over her as I go to go back to the couch i feel her grab my hand. "Stay. The beds big enough for two."


Omg babes! so sorry sm has happened in the last three days that this has just been sitting half written. I hope you guys enjoyed :)


Rooftop Romance // Renee RappWhere stories live. Discover now