In the Shadows

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I put the last shirt into the drawer in my hotel room I look over and Renee is tucked up into my bed. I smile thinking about the fact that she literally said yes to being my girlfriend last night.

 I was so extremely giddy about it. If I could scream and jump up and down right now I probably would. "Come back." She mumbled putting an arm out of the covers. 

I crawl back into the bed resting my head on her bare chest I start to trace her upper arm I felt a soft kiss on the top of my head. I feel her heartbeat quicken slightly as I trace her arm.  

"You know we still can't tell anyone right?" she asks and I can tell that she's afraid of my reaction to the question. My heart drops slightly, what's the point in her being mine if everyone else things she's dating someone else, I think to myself. 

"Yeah" I turn my head so that I was facing her face instead of her stomach. I guess at least in the shadows I have her. As long as I know she's mine that's all that matters. 

I start fiddling with the bracelet on my wrist seeing if it would calm me. Instead I felt Renee's hand clasp over mine and she started stroking it with her thumb.

"It's okay. I'm yours I promise." she states trying to make me feel better and to be honest it does a little I shake off the nervousness that I felt deep down. "We gotta get up baby, we're supposed to be going thrifting and shit." 

She fake coughs and smiles looking at me "But I'm sick and think I need to stay in bed with my girlfriend." I turn to try and get up and she pulls me back down to her chest enveloping me in a bear hug. 

She starts kissing down my neck slowly getting more aggressive and I felt a warmth flood my body as I let out a moan. fuck fuck fuck what was I supposed to be doing? OH FUCK YEAH I push her off. 

I get up and walk to the closet, "nice try." I smirk throwing her shirt and some pants at her. "Let's go baby." 

 I walk into the bathroom to wash my face when I notice a purple spot on my neck. "RENEE." I screech peaking out of the bathroom to glare at her.

"How the fuck am I supposed to explain this?" I ask pointing to my neck. She shrugs sitting up still shirtless. hmm maybe we could just have a sick day... "Turtleneck." she states. 

"oh yeah great idea except I don't have a turtle neck here." I scoff walking back into the bathroom sorting through some of the makeup on the counter. "Not my problem" I hear yelled from the bed. 

"Yeah actually it is if people find out it was Renee Rapp who did this to me." I yelled back all of a sudden arms wrap around my waist. "Oh no Renee Rapp would never do that!" she mocked kissing my neck again.

"Don't you dare, we're already late." I point to my phone and start trying to cover up the hickey. 

 A couple hours later we are in the uber on the way to a random thrift store for fun, There was a couple of us, Alyah and Renee's guitarist Towa I think her name was. "So! how did you guys meet?" Towa asks. 

"To be honest she kind of stalked me." I laughed and she shot me a dirty look correcting me as quickly as she could. "We just ended up in the same places at the same time and she's cool I guess." It was my turn to shoot the dirty look. 

not long after we arrived at the thrift just going through  the isles and finding random weird shit, I found three shirts, Renee found a coat and some shorts, I don't really know what anyone else got I honestly wasn't paying complete attention. I was getting glances and stolen kisses in every fucking corner from Renee and I didn't hate it. 

"I really have to use the bathroom before we go one sec." I state as we were about to leave the thrift store. I make my way to the bathroom noticing that Renee was following behind me. 

She closed the bathroom door and kissed me, "I missed you." She smiled at me. "I've been here this whole time." I laughed as she pulled me close and kissed me again my hand wandering to her waistline. As our lips touched I heard the door open and we split apart faster than I've ever done anything in my life. 

 Renee quickly fixed her shirt and walked out of the bathroom motioning for me to wait a moment before following.

maybe I was okay with just being in the shadows with her, it was kind of thrilling...



yall might not like me for what I have plannedd

can't have anyone be happy for too long yk

Also if I write a Regina x Reader fanfic after this (This is not ending anytime soon...maybe) would you guys read?!


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