One Shot for Sydney

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Wow I can't believe what a dick I am. You asked for this like two weeks ago and I didn't get it until just now so as an act of apology, here is your request.

Enjoy! :)
You and your big brother were walking through the woods, tracking a werewolf. It was an omega and only one so you and Dean could easily handle it.

Your dad was finally letting you two do a hunt alone since Dean was 23. But since you were still 13, your dad insisted Dean keep you close. This was your first time on a hunt without Sam, since he'd gone to college.

It hurt worse than anything when Sam left, he was practically your best friend. Dad wasn't much comfort, he didn't like to talk about it. And every time it came up with Dean, he wouldn't talk for the rest of the day. The silence was deafening.

It suits Dean just fine on hunts. But for you, it was hell. The second you get back to the car and the motel, no doubt will be filled with silence, like the night air around you.

Dean walked in front of you, ever so often stopping to put his hand out in front of you. As you trekked through the woods, it became seemingly endless. Your blue/ grey eyes grew heavy and your legs grew tired.

Suddenly Dean stopped and turned to you, "Wait here, I'll be right back." he ordered bluntly, "Don't move."

Relief hitting you, you sit on a stump of a dead tree and watch his retreating figure. A few minutes went by and a rustling in the leaves makes your blood run cold. In the distance you see dark red eyes and yellow teeth shining hungrily through the bushes.

You stand up as the wolf stalks out from behind the bushes. He circles you, your hand flies to your side in search of your hand gun. The wolf barks out what is unmistakably laughter. You feel your other side for a knife, but strangely it's not there. That throws you off, you always have your knife on you. The wolf looks entertained, it's almost smiling. Your breathing hitches and tears fill your eyes as you realize what happened.

Dean left you to be bait.

You think back to the lessons with your father. Rule number one, Never turn your back, always submit until someone can get to you. You slowly kneel on the mossy floor and sit down. The wolf growls softly, but not threateningly as it watches you.

Open further observation, you see the brown greasy fur and now hazel brown eyes. The wolf catches you staring and howls loudly. Your hands fly to your ears and tears spill from your eyes. The wolf leaps in front of you and sniffs your hair.

You lower your head and your long blonde hair falls in your face. The wolf sniffs your ear and you flinch when it hisses, "Sydney."

Your head snaps up and you yelp in surprises when you see your brother sitting on his heels in front of you. His name leaves your lips before you can stop it, "Sam." It's all you can do not to fling yourself into his embrace.

Only, it wasn't Sam. Sam would never look at you like he was dying to rip you apart. Sam's eyes were warm and comforting, not cold and unfeeling. On his lips was an absolutely evil grin.

"Sydney." Dean calls from behind you in a sing song voice.

"Dean?" You spin around, hoping for your brother to explain. "Dea, what-what's going on?" You look between your brothers.

"What's going on?" Sam looks at you feigning confusion, "Sydney, this is pay back."

You look at Sam with wide eyes, "W-what?"

"You pushed me away. I'm forced to live away from my brother and my father. It's your fault. If you'd never been born I wouldn't have wanted to get away so bad."his face grows cold as he lifts an accusing finger at you.

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