One Shot for Jessie

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You walked into your house exhausted. You'd been working all day at the studio, teaching middle schoolers to paint took a lot out of you.

You'd taken the job as an art teacher because you thought it be fun. Teaching little kids about drawing what they liked seemed pretty easy, but in reality, it was hell. The kids were hyperactive and they just wouldn't settle down for anything.

But you and your sisters adored kids.Your sister was expecting one herself and you were close enough to her that when the father skipped town, she was welcome in your home. When he skipped town, she was relieved, which surprised you, Lexi wasn't one to take rejection well. But the baby was bound to take you and her out of this depression rut, get your mind off of things.

She said it herself, "He was a deadbeat, sleeping with him was a mistake, but a miracle." She'd always gaze at and rub her swollen belly when she said this.

"You don't miss him?" You'd always ask.

"Not a bit." she eyes shined with mischief. "He had a neck fetish. Believe me, he was practically a vampire."

She'd always try to make you laugh like that. Since you were a kid, everything supernatural intrigued you. Even though you knew it wasn't real, it was still so much fun to think about. The kids you taught liked it too. Their favorite were dragons, and so was yours.

You collapsed on the couch and threw your bag on the floor. From your angle you could see into Lexi's office and she was typing away at her computer. When she hears you, she turns and smiles at you. You try to return it, but your too tired.

Lexi works at home since the pregnancy popped up. But being a real estate agent at 21 and being stuck at home is about as exciting as it sounds and she gets easily bored.

"Hey Jessie." your younger sister sits on the chair next to you, "for a 23- year old, you look like mom."

"Thanks. Not everyone can be graced with the beauty of a goddess." you rolled your eyes and sat up. "Hungry?"

"Hell yeah." she sat back. "Chinese or Pizza?"

You shrugged, "What does Tristan want?" You pointed to her stomach.

"Kimberly,"your sister challenged you, "is feeling pizza."

"I could go for pizza." you nodded.
After about thirty minutes of deciding what you both wanted, you ended up settling on plain cheese,your favorite and Lex was insisting that Kimberly wanted mushrooms and spinach.

You'd taken off your jeans, blouse, and smock and traded it in for something a little more casual. A band tee with yoga pants for your relaxing pleasure. Your shoulder length brown hair was pulled away from your turquoise eyes into a neat bun.

You and Lexi were relaxing on the couch watching scary movies when the doorbell rang. You hopped up and grabbed the money from the coutner. But when you opened the door, instead of the pizzaman, Lexi's ex was there.

"I need to speak with-" you cut him off.

"No Danny, she doesn't wanna talk to you." you kept your voice quiet so Lexi wouldn't hear.

"I'm not interested in her." he flashed sharp teeth and your life flashed before your eyes. "I wanna talk to you now."

You went to slam the door but he kicked it in with his foot before you had the chance. You landed on you backside and in seconds he was hovering over you. "I want my baby."

"ALEXIS, RUN!" You screamed as Danny pulled a knife and held it to your throat. In anger at your warning, he slices your arm, which causes you to howl in pain. Lexi ran to see what was happening and upon seeing her ex standing over you, she shrieked.

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