"I wish I could touch you," I whisper in our dark bedroom. 

"You can," he says. He then pauses. "You know how you can."

I fall silent as I think about it. He continues, "He is preventing us from being together, Lu. He stands in the way of our love. What kind of God wants to punish love?"

This was the first time I had ever truly considered what he said. 

"Your God, your father, he is no God at all," he says. "He is a controller. He wants to control you, Luella, and he turns his back on you when you do not listen. He never tried to come get you once you ignored his rules. He does not love you, it is I who does."

I listen to his words. I truly listen to them. I whisper, "He does not love me. You do."

"That's right," he nods. 

And I realized at that moment, that I would kill those who stood in the way of our love. I tell him, "I will do it. He does not get to stand in the way any longer."

I quickly stand up, I get out of bed, and I hear Adonis stand behind me. He says, "I will be here, waiting for your return. And I will kiss you for the first time."

Kiss. Just the word alone made me smile. I had thought about kissing him every day for the last three years.

I exit the house and begin flying to Heaven. The golden gates looked foreign. I knew they'd all be asleep, I slipped through the gates and it surprised me that I had not been banished. I keep my head down as I walk to where the throne was, as a God he did not sleep, but he remained on the throne.

I step onto the golden flooring. Across the room, I see him, sitting on the throne. His eyes widen as they see me and he stands to his feet.

"Luella?" he questioned as if he couldn't believe it. He began walking down the stairs as I walked toward him. "Where have you been, how dare you abandon your people, I've been waiting over a year-"

I pierce the knife behind my back through his chest, through his heart, the scream from a God echoes throughout Heaven, loud enough to wake everybody up. He falls victim to my knife, to me, his body falls to the floor and I know everybody is coming.

I turn and I run. Every angel flies toward his throne as I fly away. I had killed our God for love.

I knew people saw me as I flew away, but I kept flying until I reached the gates. I smile as I fly down, and it grows wider as I land on the ground. 

Adonis stands in front of his house. I smile as I tell him, "I did it. The Lord is dead. Nothing prevents our love now."

Adonis does not move. He just continues to look at me. My eyebrows tug together.

"Isn't it over?" I question. "I did what I was supposed to. I killed him. Why aren't you touching me?"

He still stands there. Looking at me.

But I let out my anxious breath as he takes a step toward me. He slowly raises his hand and touches the side of my face. And for the first time, it did not burn. I smile, and so does he.

Slowly, he moves his lips closer to mine. It feels like a century passes before his lips finally touch mine. But they do, and it's even better than I had daydreamed. His lips move with mine, my eyes shut as I taste him for the first time, my lips want to smile as I kiss him, as our love is finally no longer forbidden. 

I start to say between kisses, "I love-"

My words get cut off as I gasp. A piercing pain happens in my abdomen. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth as I look down and see a knife stabbed through me, a poisoned knife, I knew that from how quickly I felt myself starting to die.

I look up at him. At my husband. At the man I killed our God for. At the man who stabbed a knife through me. And I could no longer taste the blood in my mouth, the only thing I could taste was betrayal. 

"I'm sorry, Lu," he says as I begin to die. "If it is any consolation, I did not listen to them and stab it through your heart."

Them? I fall back onto the grass as the poison begins to spread throughout my body, killing me, I wear a ring from the man who did this to me. My eyes fill with tears as I look up and see his face staring down at me, and I see the Heavens above him that no longer have their God. 

I wished for some sort of mercy at this moment. But Adonis gave me no mercy. The only mercy I received was the slight smirk on his face, as it told me it was intentional, it gave me the answer that he never loved me. That he was just using me. 

The poison takes over my body and I can no longer keep my eyes open. 

I die. At his hands. 

Word Count: 1516

Word Count: 1516

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